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January 24, 2018

Posted  April 30, 2018

Tennessee chiropractor Matthew Anderson agreed to pay $1.45 million to resolve allegations he violated the False Claims Act. Specifically, the government alleged that Anderson and his management company, PMC LLC, caused pharmacies to submit requests for Medicare and TennCare payments for pain killers dispensed based upon prescriptions written at the Cookeville Center for Pain Management, one of the pain clinics Anderson managed, which had no legitimate medical purpose. The government further alleged that Anderson caused four pain clinics he managed to bill Medicare for upcoded claims for office visits that were not reimbursable at the levels sought. The allegations originated in a whistleblower lawsuit filed by a former office manager for the Cookeville Center for Pain Management under the qui tam provisions of the False Claims Act. The whistleblower will receive a whistleblower award of $246,500 from the proceeds of the government’s recovery. DOJ

Tagged in: Chiropractic, FCA Federal, Lack of Medical Necessity, Provider Fraud, Upcoding, Whistleblower Case, Whistleblower Rewards,