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Question of the Week — Who should be the Whistleblower of the Year Candidates?

Posted  December 21, 2018

Each year, the whistleblower insider blog holds a contest for the Whistleblower of the Year. Previous winners include James Comey, for making certain information about the Trump administration public, LeAnne Walters, for bringing attention to the clean water crises in Flint, and Craig Watts, for revealing Perdue’s cruel chicken farming practices.

The contest is meant to honor, and provide a platform for, brave individuals who put themselves at risk when speaking truth to power. We want the contest to recognize those who exhibit the qualities of a typical whistleblower integrity, bravery, strength, and honesty.

So far, Siobhan O’Connor, who blew the whistle on sexual abuse in the Archdiocese of Buffalo, and Doctors Pam McPherson and Scott Allen, who revealed key aspects of the Federal Government’s child-separation policy have been nominated.

We’re now looking for ideas for more deserving nominees, please let us know what you think! Comment below.

Tagged in: Question of the Week, Whistleblower of the Year,