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September 13, 2013

Gulf Region Radiation Oncology Centers, Sacred Heart Health System, West Florida Medical Center Clinic and others agreed to pay $3.5M to resolve allegations that they billed Medicare, Medicaid and TRICARE – the health care program for uniformed service members, retirees and their families worldwide – for radiation oncology services that were not eligible for payment. The allegations were first raised in a qui tam lawsuit filed under the whistleblower provisions of the False Claims Act. DOJ

August 27, 2013

Imagimed LLC and the company’s former owners and chief radiologist agreed to pay $3.57M to resolve allegations that they submitted to federal healthcare programs false claims for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) services. The allegations were first raised in a qui tam lawsuit filed under the whistleblower provisions of the False Claims Act. DOJ

June 18, 2015

Connecticut commenced a case under that state’s False Claims Act against the co-owners of a psychiatric clinic alleged to have submitted false claims to the state’s Medicaid program, Connecticut Medical Assistance Program (CMAP), from January 2010 through December 2014. According to the complaint, the defendants illegally submitted false claims for reimbursement while knowingly retaining and concealing the overpayment. The psychiatrist is alleged to have engaged in a systemic practice of knowingly “upcoding” the claims for reimbursement she submitted to the CMAP. For example, as the complaint alleges, she routinely double, triple, and in some cases quadruple-booked appointments for her Medicaid patients, then submitted CMAP using a reimbursement code, which required her to see the patient for approximately 75 to 80 minutes when, in fact, she saw each patient for as little as 5-10 minutes. The state’s complaint identifies 113 days where the psychaitrist billed the CMAP for more than 24 hours of service. Both defendants are also alleged to have attempted to conceal from state auditors the existence of databases that contained information which would have established evidence that the claims were false. CT

April 16, 2015

Georgia doctor Zheng Xiang Wang and the Wang Eye Clinic, P.C. agreed to pay $790,000 to settle allegations they billed Georgia Medicaid for medically unnecessary ophthalmology procedures. GA

March 19, 2015

Dr. Michael Montejo, a radiation oncologist and former employee of Florida Oncology Network P.A, will receive a whistleblower award of $1,082,500 from the $5,412,502 settlement resolving allegations Adventist Health System Sunbelt Healthcare Corporation violated the False Claims Act by providing radiation oncology services to Medicare and TRICARE beneficiaries that were not directly supervised by radiation oncologists or similarly qualified persons.  DOJ

March 11, 2015

Olufemi Afuape and Oluyemisi Afuape, owners of Zion Rehab Services, were ordered to pay $1,407,325.50 in restitution to the Georgia Department of Community Health for billing the Georgia Medicaid program for physical, occupational and speech therapy without regard to whether the services were medically necessary and without regard to whether the services were actually delivered. GA

March 9, 2015

Two former employees of the Mental Health Association of Rockland County, Inc. will receive an undisclosed whistleblower award from the $304,000 settlement resolving allegations MHAR violated the New York False Claims Act through its managers and employees altering records in advance of a Medicaid audit so the records would appear to support claims MHAR submitted to New York State's Medicaid program.   NY

January 16, 2015

Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson announced Sea Mar Community Health Centers agreed to pay $3.35M to settle charges of improperly billing Medicaid for thousands of dental appointments. According to the government, Sea Mar billed fluoride treatments as stand-alone appointments with a dentist or hygienist when they could have been performed much more cheaply by dental assistants as part of a patient’s regular six-month checkups. WA

January 7, 2015

Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi announced that Florida, along with California, Colorado, Kentucky, and Ohio and the federal government, entered a $22 million national settlement with DaVita Healthcare Partners, Inc., one of the leading providers of dialysis services in the US. The settlement resolves allegations originating in a whistleblower lawsuit that DaVita paid illegal kickbacks to induce the referral of patients to its dialysis clinics, causing false claims to be submitted to the Medicaid program. DaVita will pay Florida $5.6 million in restitution and other recoveries. FL

October 31, 2014

Oklahoma-based dental company, Ocean Dental PC, which operates 28 clinics in seven states, agreed to pay more than $5M to settle charges it violated the False Claims Act by submitting false claims to the Oklahoma Medicaid program for dental work never performed or billed at a higher rate than allowed. The charges apparently stem from dental restorations by former employee Robin Lockwood who was sentenced to 18 months in federal prison in a separate case. NewsOK
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