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Publications & Speeches

Constantine Cannon lawyers are regularly published in a wide variety of publications, and are frequent public speakers. This page collects some of these publications, speeches, and other appearances.  You can search by attorney name, and additional material may appear on individual attorney biographies.  The views of Constantine Cannon attorneys in publications are the personal views of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Constantine Cannon.

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State Enforcement Under the NAAG Merger Guidelines

Posted  12/4/87
New York, NY - Lloyd Constantine delivered an address to the 27th Annual Advanced Antitrust Seminar, Mergers, Markets and Joint Ventures, PLI

Antitrust In the Dark Ages

Posted  11/14/87
11/14/87 Cambridge, MA - Lloyd Constantine delivered an address to the 21st New England Antitrust Conference, ALI-ABA

American Insurance Association 1987 General Counsel's Symposium

Posted  11/10/87
Program Faculty; Washington, D.C.

An Inside Look at Current Trends in State Antitrust Enforcement

Posted  11/1/87
Antitrust, Winter 1987, P. 9 (Cover Story)

Testimony Concerning "S. 567, The Malt Beverage Interbrand Competition Act

Posted  08/4/87
Washington, D.C. [U.S. Senate] - Lloyd Constantine delivered testimony to the United States Senate, Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Antitrust, Monopolies and Business Rights

28th Annual Antitrust Law Institute

Posted  05/29/87
Program Faculty - PLI; New York, NY

Point/Counterpoint: Limits on Merger Mania

Posted  04/6/87
The Denver Post, April 6, 1987 at page 2B, col. 3

Current Trends in State Antitrust Enforcement

Posted  04/2/87
New York, NY - Lloyd Constantine delivered an address to the 35th Annual Antitrust Law Section Spring Meeting, ABA

Testimony Concerning "H.R. 586 and Enforcement of Clayton Act Sections 7 and 7A

Posted  03/26/87
Washington, D.C. [House of Rep.] - Lloyd Constantine delivered testimony to the United States House of Representatives, Judiciary Committee, Subcommittee on Monopolies and Commercial Law

Antitrust Issues in Today's Economy

Posted  03/5/87
Program Faculty - Twenty-Sixth One-Day Conference, The Conference Board; New York, NY
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