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November 15, 2021

Posted  November 15, 2021

The whistleblower award to Constantine Cannon client Gwang Ho Kim received extensive press coverage, including:

  • NHTSA issues first-ever whistleblower award of $24M to Hyundai insider, Compliance Week.
  • U.S. Auto-Safety Regulator Pays $24.3 Million to Hyundai Whistleblower in First-Ever Award, The Wall Street Journal.
  • Hyundai whistleblower to collect $24 million from NHTSA, Yahoo! News.
  • Whistleblower gets $24M in Hyundai-Kia engine recall case, Associated Press.
  • A former Hyundai engineer is now a multimillionaire in whistleblower case, Detroit Free Press.
  • U.S. auto safety regulator awards over $24M to Hyundai whistleblowerAxios.
  • November 10, 2021 Episode Transcript, CBC radio.
  • DeLand woman’s car suddenly bursts into flames, sets house on fireWESH.
  • Hyundai Motor whistleblower, $24 mln in hand, plans to help others speak upReuters.