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Whistleblower Quiz

Would you blow the whistle?

Take our Quiz

Whistleblower of the Year

Each December, Whistleblower Insider asks for its readers help to select the Whistleblower of the Year. We are interested in showcasing the individuals who best encapsulate the qualities of the typical whistleblower — courage, strength, integrity, selflessness and a deep concern for public health and safety. The winners are announced in February.

2018 Whistleblower of the Year Interview Part II — Siobhan O'Connor

Posted  03/27/19
smiling woman
Here is Part II of our interview with Whistleblower Insider’s 2018 Whistleblower of the Year Siobhan O’Connor. Siobhan O’Connor was a devout, lifelong Catholic when she landed her dream job as the executive assistant to Bishop Richard J. Malone of the Diocese of Buffalo. In her own words, she was “overjoyed” to be working for her “beloved Church.” But the job “went from a dream to a nightmare in about...

2018 Whistleblower Of The Year Interview Part I — Siobhan O’Connor

Posted  03/18/19
smiling woman
Here is Part I of our interview with Whistleblower Insider’s 2018 Whistleblower of the Year Siobhan O’Connor. Siobhan O’Connor was a devout, lifelong Catholic when she landed her dream job as the executive assistant to Bishop Richard J. Malone of the Diocese of Buffalo. In her own words, she was “overjoyed” to be working for her “beloved Church.” But the job “went from a dream to a nightmare in about...

2018 Whistleblower of the Year Goes To... Siobhan O’Connor

Posted  02/11/19
Hand dropping paper ballot into sealed black box
The votes are in, and Whistleblower Insider’s 2018 Whistleblower of the Year is Siobhan O’Connor. Siobhan O’Connor was a devout, lifelong Catholic when she landed her dream job as the executive assistant to Bishop Richard J. Malone of the Diocese of Buffalo. In her own words, she was “overjoyed” to be working for her “beloved Church.” But the job “went from a dream to a nightmare in about three...

Vote Now for the 2018 Whistleblower of the Year

Posted  01/7/19
Hand dropping paper ballot into sealed black box
Whistleblower Insider wants to hear from you on who should be honored as our 2018 Whistleblower of the Year. We are especially interested in those individuals who best encapsulate the qualities of the typical whistleblower — courage, strength, integrity, selflessness and a deep concern for public health and safety. You can choose among the candidates listed below, or identify your own candidate. And please add in...

2018 Whistleblower of the Year Candidate – Cambridge Analytica Whistleblower Christopher Wylie

Posted  01/4/19
Christopher Wylie at outdoors protest speaking into megaphone
In 2013, American author Dave Eggers published The Circle, a novel chronicling the adventures of a technology worker at a powerful Internet company. The company collects heaps of information about its subscribers and uses it in all aspects of their lives: it finds missing persons within minutes, monitors individual medical conditions, and even tries to use data to require people to vote on Election Day. The...

2018 Whistleblower of the Year Candidate - The Center for Investigative Reporting and Reveal

Posted  01/4/19
Whistleblowers are usually thought of as courageous individuals who come forward from the shadows to speak truth to power.  But sometimes whistleblowers are instead organizations that seek out the shadows in order to bring them into the light.  The Center for Investigative Reporting (CIR) is one such organization.  Founded in 1977, CIR’s mission is to “engage and empower the public through investigative...

2018 Whistleblower of the Year Candidate – Dr. Christine Blasey Ford

Posted  12/28/18
Protestor in Senate office building holding sign "We believe Christine Blasey Ford"
“I am here today not because I want to be.  I am terrified.  I am here because I believe it is my civic duty to tell you what happened to me while Brett Kavanaugh and I were in high school.”  On September 27, 2018, tens of millions of Americans stopped to hear Dr. Christine Blasey Ford say these words, under oath, to the Senate Judiciary Committee.  They huddled around airport televisions, gathered in bars,...

Question of the Week — Who should be the Whistleblower of the Year Candidates?

Posted  12/21/18
Black plastic whistle with cord on white background
Each year, the whistleblower insider blog holds a contest for the Whistleblower of the Year. Previous winners include James Comey, for making certain information about the Trump administration public, LeAnne Walters, for bringing attention to the clean water crises in Flint, and Craig Watts, for revealing Perdue’s cruel chicken farming practices. The contest is meant to honor, and provide a platform for, brave...

2018 Whistleblower of the Year Candidate – Church Abuse Whistleblower Siobhan O’Connor

Posted  12/20/18
Row of wooden church pews in sunlight
Siobhan O’Connor was a devout, lifelong Catholic when she landed her dream job as the executive assistant to Bishop Richard J. Malone of the Diocese of Buffalo. In her own words, she was “overjoyed” to be working for her “beloved Church." But the job “went from a dream to a nightmare in about three years.” During that time, O’Connor learned that the Bishop and diocese leadership had deliberately...

2018 Whistleblower of the Year Candidate — Child Detention Whistleblowers Dr. Pamela McPherson and Dr. Scott Allen

Posted  12/19/18
Hand gripping chain-link fence
Border security is no doubt a complicated and controversial subject these days. But what is not complicated or controversial (for most) is the safety and well-being of the innocent children caught in the middle. When U.S. immigration authorities began forcibly separating children from their parents at the Southern border earlier this year, there was an immediate outcry from both sides of the political divide....

Learn about Whistleblower Rewards Programs