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Whistleblower Quiz

Would you blow the whistle?

Take our Quiz

Whistleblower of the Year

Each December, Whistleblower Insider asks for its readers help to select the Whistleblower of the Year. We are interested in showcasing the individuals who best encapsulate the qualities of the typical whistleblower — courage, strength, integrity, selflessness and a deep concern for public health and safety. The winners are announced in February.

Do You Have an Early Nominee for Whistleblower Insider’s 2018 Whistleblower of the Year Award?

Posted  11/16/18
Whistleblower Insider wants to hear from you on who should be honored as the 2018 Whistleblower of the Year. We are especially interested in those individuals who best encapsulate the qualities of the typical whistleblower - courage, strength, integrity, selflessness and a deep concern for public health and safety. Last year, Whistleblower Insider’s Whistleblower of the Year was James Comey. Mr. Comey, concerned...

2017 Whistleblower Of The Year Goes To . . . James Comey

Posted  02/8/18
By the C|C Whistleblower Lawyer Team The votes are in, and Whistleblower Insider’s 2017 Whistleblower of the Year is James Comey, who led the FBI from September 2013 until he was dismissed in May 2017. Shortly after Comey’s dismissal, unclassified memoranda he penned regarding his meetings with President Trump became public. Comey, concerned about potential abuse of power, said he shared the relevant memoranda...

2017 Whistleblower of the Year Nominee -- The Weinstein Whistleblowers

Posted  12/22/17
This “Whistleblower Spotlight” features the many women who came forward to face down years of sexual harassment—and worse—from producer Harvey Weinstein, helping to spark a long overdue national conversation.   Weinstein’s alleged abuses spanned decades, with reports of misconduct from as far back as 1980.  The few women brave enough to report his behavior were silenced either by Weinstein’s...

2017 Whistleblower of the Year Nominee -- Paradise Papers Whistleblower(s)

Posted  12/22/17
This “Whistleblower Spotlight” features the Paradise Papers leaker(s), an unnamed whistleblower (or whistleblowers) responsible for shining a light on the widespread use of illicit offshore tax havens. The November 2017 exposé revealed where government officials, royalty, entertainers, and powerful corporations store their cash to avoid taxes.  The details are in 13.4 million documents, such as emails and...

2017 Whistleblower of the Year Nominee -- Susan Fowler

Posted  12/22/17
On February 19, 2017, former Uber engineer Susan Fowler fired the shot heard round Silicon Valley.  In her explosive blog post, “Reflecting on One Very, Very Strange Year at Uber,” Ms. Fowler described rampant sexual harassment and institutionalized sexism at one of the tech world’s most hyped companies.  As Maureen Dowd put it, Ms. Fowler “pierced the self-indulgent, adolescent Pleasure Island mentality of...

2017 Whistleblower of the Year Nominee -- Sanofi Aventis

Posted  12/22/17
This "Whistleblower Spotlight" features Sanofi Aventis US, one of our candidates for 2017 Whistleblower of the Year.  The US subsidiary of the French pharmaceutical giant is our only "corporate" candidate for this accolade but represents a growing trend in the whistleblower world of companies saying something when they see something they believe falls outside the realm of business fair play.  In this case, it was...

2017 Whistleblower of the Year Nominee -- Joel Clement

Posted  12/22/17
 By the C|C Whistleblower Lawyer Team This "Whistleblower Spotlight" features Joel Clement, a scientist and former director of the Interior Department’s Office of Policy Analysis, who was reassigned last summer to an Interior Department accounting office after blowing the whistle on climate change.  Clement believes he was retaliated against for speaking about the dangers climate change poses to Alaskan Native...

2017 Whistleblower of the Year Nominee -- James Comey

Posted  12/21/17
By the C|C Whistleblower Lawyer Team This whistleblower spotlight focuses on former FBI Director James Comey, who, in recognition of last year’s Whistleblower Appreciation Day, spoke eloquently of creating a culture of humility in government to “encourage whistleblowers to raise their hands,” and fostering an environment in which whistleblowers are “entitled to be heard . . . [in] an adult...

2017 Whistleblower of the Year

Posted  12/19/17
Whistleblower Insider wants to hear from you on who should be honored as the 2017 Whistleblower of the Year. We are especially interested in those individuals who best encapsulate the qualities of the typical whistleblower -- courage, strength, integrity, selflessness and a deep concern for public health and safety. You can choose among the  candidates listed below, or identify your own candidate. Please...

2016 Whistleblower Of The Year Goes To . . . Flint Whistleblower LeAnne Walters

Posted  05/15/17
By the C|C Whistleblower Lawyer Team The votes are in, and Whistleblower Insider’s 2016 Whistleblower of the Year is LeeAnne Walters, who has worked tirelessly to draw attention to the public-health crisis concerning contaminated drinking water in Flint, Michigan.  When city and state officials switched Flint’s water source, it didn’t take long for Walters to realize that something was wrong.  Her twin boys...

Learn about Whistleblower Rewards Programs