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In Their Own Words

This archive includes posts from our “In Their Own Words” series, in which the Whistleblower Insider blog highlights particular quotations.  Return to:

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In Their Own Words . . . . Dr. Michèle Brill-Edwards

Posted  06/5/23
"You’d think by now they’d want to ensure that the next time there’s a serious 'mishap' in governance, there’d be a safety valve, a safe way for an ethical public servant to come forward with that hidden information, vital to the public interest, without suffering retaliation." Dr. Michèle Brill-Edwards in her Opinion Piece in the Toronto Star, titled Canada must strengthen its woefully weak whistleblower...

In Their Own Words -- Oprah

Posted  01/10/18

--“For too long, women have not been heard or believed if they dare speak the truth to the power of those men.  But their time is up.  Their time is up.”

  Oprah speaking at the Golden Globes


In Their Own Words -- Pepper

Posted  12/18/17

--"While others saw a crisis in the opioid epidemic, AstraZeneca cynically saw a financial opportunity."


James Pepper, attorney for former AstraZeneca sales representative Allison Zayas who filed a whistleblower case against the pharmaceutical company in 2010.

In Their Own Words -- Cox

Posted  12/4/17

-- “The United States Attorney’s Office, in coordination with our partners at Main Justice and HHS-OIG, have and will continue to aggressively pursue those that violate the Anti-Kickback Statute, regardless of the nature or form that the kickback takes. We must hold individuals and entities responsible for improperly furthering their financial interests at the expense of the federal health care programs.”


In Their Own Words -- Arguedas

Posted  11/30/17

-- “Jeff had a long career as a lawyer doing good work, he made a terrible mistake, for which he is extremely sorry, and is now working to make amends.”

Cristina Arguedas, the attorney for former Akin Gump partner Jeffrey Wertkin commenting on her client’s guilty plea in San Francisco federal court on Wednesday.

In Their Own Words -- Sweeney Jr.

Posted  11/10/17

“No amount of money in the world could ever reverse the catastrophic effects Madoff’s historic Ponzi scheme had on individuals and businesses alike. But now, nearly a decade after this crime was exposed, it is our hope that victims will finally be able to see the light at the end of a long, dark tunnel.”

Assistant Director in Charge William F. Sweeney Jr., of the FBI’s New York Field Division, commenting on...

In Their Own Words -- Readler

Posted  10/31/17

-- “Medicare’s hospice benefit provides critical services to some of the most vulnerable Medicare patients, and the Department will continue to ensure that this valuable benefit is used to assist those who need it, and not as an opportunity to line the pockets of those who seek to abuse it.”

Acting Assistant Attorney General Chad A. Readler commenting on the government’s $75 Million settlement with Chemed.

In Their Own Words -- Porrino

Posted  10/30/17

-- "You have to be really skeptical. Anytime you're paying in advance for service you're at risk."

 New Jersey Attorney General Christopher Porrino commenting on homeowners who were defrauded by contractors during Superstorm Sandy rebuilding efforts.

In Their Own Words -- Coyne

Posted  10/27/17

“Corporate executives intent on illegally driving up profits need to be aware they are now squarely in the sights of law enforcement.”

Phillip Coyne, Special Agent in Charge for the Office of Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, commenting on the Insys opioid scandal. Click here for more.

In Their Own Words -- Kelly

Posted  10/25/17

“This is not unique to Fox News.  Women everywhere are used to being dismissed, ignored or attacked when raising complaints about men in authority positions.  They stay silent so often out of fear—fear of ending their careers, fear of lawyers, yes, and often fear of public shaming.  The abuse of women, the shaming of them, the threatening, the retaliation, the silencing of them after the fact—it has to...

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