December 19, 2016
The SEC charged Mark Nordlicht, founder of hedge fund firm Platinum Partners, and two of Platinum’s flagship hedge fund advisory firms, Platinum Management (NY) LLC and Platinum Credit Management LP, with conducting a fraudulent scheme to inflate asset values and illicitly move investor money to cover losses and liquidity problems. SEC examiners uncovered suspicious activity during an examination of the firms and referred it to SEC enforcement staff for further investigation. The SEC’s complaint alleges that Nordlicht and the Platinum funds overstated the value of an oil company that was among their largest assets, and concealed a growing liquidity crisis by transferring money between the funds, making preferential redemptions to favored investors, and using misrepresentations to attract new investors to the struggling funds. The SEC’s complaint further alleges that Nordlicht schemed with colleagues and Jeffrey Shulse, CFO of Black Elk Energy, Platinum’s other major oil investment, to divert almost $100 million from Black Elk Energy to help boost the Platinum funds. Others charged in the SEC’s complaint include Shulse, David Levy (Platinum Owner and Co-Chief Investment Officer), Daniel Small (former Managing Director and Portfolio Manager of certain Platinum funds), Uri Landesman (former Managing General Partner of certain Platinum funds), Joseph Mann (employee of Platinum’s Investor Relations Department), and Joseph SanFilippo (CFO of a Platinum hedge fund). Funds managed by Platinum Management are currently in a liquidation proceeding in the Cayman Islands. SEC
Tagged in: Accounting Fraud, Financial and Investment Fraud, Misrepresentations,