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May 9, 2017

Posted  May 22, 2017

The Securities and Exchange Commission today charged David R. Humphrey, a former SEC employee, with securities fraud in connection with his trading of options and other securities. The SEC’s complaint alleges that David R. Humphrey, who worked at the SEC from 1998 to 2014, concealed his personal trading from the SEC’s ethics office and later misrepresented his trading activities to the SEC’s Office of Inspector General when questioned during an investigation.  “As alleged in our complaint, Humphrey never sought pre-clearance for his prohibited options trades and he filed forms that falsely represented his securities holdings,” said Gerald W. Hodgkins, Associate Director in the SEC’s Division of Enforcement.  SEC employees are subject to rigorous rules regarding securities transactions to guard against even the appearance of using public office for private gain.  The ethics rules specifically prohibit trading in options or derivatives.  The rules also require staff to disclose their securities holdings and transactions to the agency’s ethics office in annual filings. According to the SEC’s complaint, Humphrey violated the rules by engaging in transactions involving derivatives, failing to obtain pre-clearance before trading non-prohibited securities, and failing to hold securities for the required period. SEC

Tagged in: Regulatory Violations, Securities Fraud,