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January 18, 2017

Posted  January 18, 2017

New York announced a joint settlement with four other states and the Federal Trade Commission with Mallinckrodt plc and its U.S. subsidiary, formerly known as Questcor Pharmaceuticals (“Questcor”), a drug manufacturer. The complaint and settlement, filed jointly, alleges that Questcor unlawfully acted to prevent competition for its drug H.P. Acthar Gel, which is typically used as a last resort to treat certain life-threatening diseases, including infantile spasms and multiple sclerosis. In 2001, Questcor bought the rights to Acthar, known as an adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)-based therapeutic drug, which are used to treat certain life-threatening diseases, and is the standard of care for infantile spasms. It is the only such drug sold in the United States. Since then, Questcor has increased the price of Acthar 85,000%, from $40 per vial to over $34,000 per vial. The complaint alleges that Questcor monopolized the market for ACTH drugs by purchasing the rights to Synacthen, which was being sold by Novartis Pharma A.G. in 2012. Synacthen is used to treat patients with the same life-threatening conditions as Acthar, but is sold in Europe and Canada at a fraction of the price. NY, TX

Tagged in: Pharma Fraud,