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December 2, 2016

Posted  December 2, 2016

A medical doctor and entrepreneur pleaded guilty to inducing interstate travel to commit a fraud and failing to account for and pay over employment taxes announced the Justice Department’s Tax Division. According to the plea agreement, statement of facts, and other court documents, in or about September 2000, Sreedhar Potarazu, 51, of Potomac, Maryland, an ophthalmic surgeon licensed in Maryland and Virginia, founded VitalSpring Technologies, Inc. (VitalSpring), a Delaware corporation. From its inception, Potarazu was VitalSpring’s Chief Executive Officer and President, and served on its Board of Directors. As early as 2009, Potarazu provided materially false and misleading information to VitalSpring’s shareholders to induce more than $30 million in capital investments in the company. Potarazu represented on numerous occasions that the sale of VitalSpring was imminent, which would have resulted in profits for shareholders, and concealed that VitalSpring failed to account for and pay over more than $7.5 million in employment taxes to the IRS. For example, in 2014, Potarazu provided shareholders with a written summary of operating results that reflected VitalSpring’s 2013 revenues to be approximately $12.9 million when, in fact, the 2013 revenue was less than $1 million. DOJ

Tagged in: Employment Tax Fraud, Tax Fraud,