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June 12, 2019

Posted  June 12, 2019

In connection with the development of the Lakeway Regional Medical Center in Texas, a number of individuals and entities have agreed to pay $1.1 million to resolve claims that they made false claims in obtaining a loan insured by the Federal Housing Administration under a HUD program that insures loans to build hospitals in underserved areas.  Pacific Medical Buildings LLC, PMB Lakeway LLC, RD Development Partners LLC, Lakeway Management LLC, J&L Rush Family Partnership LP, Jeff Rush, and Brad Daniel, were alleged to have delayed refunds to investors who had cancelled their investments in order to make it appear as if the project satisfied mortgage covenants regarding the cash on hand required to close the loan. The settlement also resolves allegations that the settling parties received impermissible distributions of project funds. DOJ

Tagged in: FCA Federal, Government Loan Programs, Healthcare Fraud, Housing and Mortgage Fraud,