Question of the Week -- Do the VA external advisors mean fraud is more likely to happen?

This week, Pro Publica released a new investigation into three powerful but little known figures shaping how veterans receive care. Ike Perlmutter, the chairman of Marvel Entertainment, Marc Sherman, an attorney, and Bruce Moskowitz, a doctor, are long-time members of Mar-a-Lago. None of them are U.S. veterans, and none have government experience. Yet the three of them are apparently directing how care for millions of veterans should be administered.
Pro Publica’s reporting and research reveals numerous instances where the private interests of these three men may have affected how they are advising government officials. Pet projects, cross-marketing, and nepotistic hiring all appear to be potential risks from their involvement. Yet any concern regarding possible corruption in this arrangement has to be tempered by the sad reality that the VA has been plagued by internal corruption scandals in recent years, with a culture of silencing whistleblowers.
What do you think? Do the VA external advisors mean fraud is more likely to happen?
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