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Whistleblower News from the Inside - December 26, 2013

Posted  December 26, 2013

By the C|C Whistleblower Lawyer Team

California’s set of new whistleblower laws is a game changer – the provisions, which go into effect at the start of the new year, vastly expand protections for whistleblowers in the state.  WSJ

Pope Francis delivers broad call for peace in Christmas message – It was a call directed to those inside and outside the Catholic Church to bring peace to our planet “frequently exploited by human greed and rapacity.”  Read it here

Snowden delivers “Alternative Christmas Message” – In his first TV appearance since arriving in Russia, the former NSA whistleblower called for an end to mass government spying, warning that “a child born today will grow up with no conception of privacy at all.”  Watch it here

Obama elevated climate change to a top presidential priority – But the president has done little to curb the expansion of oil and gas production through hydraulic fracking.  Mother Jones

Volcker Rule under fire – the law, which limits the ability of banks to make speculative bets with depositors’ money, is being tested in a lawsuit that many believe is just the first wave of an all out war.  Deal Book