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Whistleblower News From The Inside — March 16, 2016

Posted  March 16, 2016

By the C|C Whistleblower Lawyer Team

Supermarket Owner Imprisoned for Multi-Million-Dollar Scam – An FBI investigation revealed Decatur, Georgia supermarket proprietor Tessema Lulseged routinely and illegally allowed customers to exchange food stamps for cash, a scam through which Lulseged netted approximately $6.5 million. FBI

CBP report reveals Border Patrol’s inability to curb corruption poses security threat – A 49-page report issued Tuesday by the CBP Integrity Advisory Panel concludes CBP’s disciplinary system for border agents is an ineffective deterrent to corruption and poses a potential national security risk. The Washington Times

New disclosure from so-called whistleblower in Flint congressional hearings – The congressional committee examining the Flint, Michigan water crisis called out new documents by a whistleblower EPA manager who several members called a hero. Detroit Free Press

The short seller who got Valeant right is on trial in Hong Kong – A Hong Kong regulator is accusing Andrew Left of spreading false information about a Chinese company; Left says he stands by his research. The Wall Street Journal

Why UK police officers fear speaking out against their superiors – An examination, in light of high profile failures to deal with child sexual abuse, highlights the hierarchal structure of the police service, which, in concert with other factors, discourages police whistleblowing. The Guardian

Former NSW SES Commissioner cleared of firing whistleblower – An Australian magistrate found Murray Kear, the former head of the New South Wales, Australia State Emergency Service, was not motivated by “revenge, pay-back, or retaliation” when he fired whistleblower Tara McCarthy. Australian Broadcasting Corporation