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Firm News

Constantine Cannon lawyers are regularly quoted in a variety of publications.  We have collected some of these appearances here, along with other firm news.

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April 5, 2013

Law360 selected partner Seth Greenstein as a Law360 Legal Lion for his participation in the Second Circuit Court of Appeals victory for Aereo, Inc. Click here to read the article.

April 3, 2013

Partner Ankur Kapoor was quoted in Law360 article, 5 Tips For Surviving The 'Rocket Docket'. Click here to read the article.

April 2, 2013

Jeff Shinder, Managing Partner of Constantine Cannon's New York Office was quoted in the article Attorneys Move to Block Merchant Websites Against Swipe-Fee Deal in Convenience Store News.

March 27, 2013

Partner Ankur Kapoor was quoted in Law360 article, High Court's Comcast Ruling Raises Bar For Class Actions. Click here to read the article. Mr. Kapoor was also quoted in Forbes and

March 19, 2013

Constantine Cannon partner Seth Greenstein was quoted in Law360 article, High Court Ruling May Curb Int'l Sales Of Copyrighted Work. Click here to read the article.

March 19, 2013

Competition Policy International publishes article by Constantine Cannon partner Gordon Schnell titled "Deterring Financial Crime -- Reconciling and Improving Upon the Diverging Approaches of U.S. Antitrust and Financial Regulation. Click here to read the article.

March 12, 2013

Constantine Cannon partner Matthew L. Cantor comments on the recently-filed antitrust lawsuit by Cablevision against Viacom on CBS This Morning.

February 28, 2013

Partner Ankur Kapoor was quoted in Law360 article, Ramirez Agenda At Helm Of FTC Is Anyone's Guess. Click here to read the article.

February 22, 2013

Constantine Cannon partner Gordon Schnell quoted in the New York Times on the government's decision to intervene in the whistleblower lawsuit brought by Floyd Landis against Lance Armstrong for allegedly defrauding the United States Postal Service. Click here to read the article.

February 21, 2013

Partner Axel Bernabe was quoted in BNA's Health Law Reporter article, In Win For FTC, Unanimous High Court Finds No State Action Immunity in Hospital Merger. Click here to read the article.
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