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In Their Own Words

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In Their Own Words....Chicago Sun-Times Editorial Board

Posted  05/8/24
"It all goes to show the important role whistleblowers can play in keeping our government and other institutions honest." From an editorial on the role Barbara Glusak played in warning Washington Federal Bank for Savings on loan fraud and the critical role so many other whistleblowers have played in recent years in sounding the alarm on fraud.

In Their Own Words . . . . Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa)

Posted  02/23/24
"By protecting whistleblowers who shine a light on wrongdoing, [the False Claims Act] empowers those brave individuals to come forward and continues to deliver for the American people.  The value of the False Claims Act cannot be overstated; preserving and strengthening it will always be in our nation’s best interest." From his press release on yesterday's Department of Justice release of its 2023 fiscal year

In Their Own Words. . . .California Attorney General Rob Bonta

Posted  02/21/24
“At the California Department of Justice, we believe that the healthcare system should serve patients.  Yet, too often, private equity has served corporate profiteers by maximizing their profits at the expense of access, quality, and affordability of healthcare for Californians.”  California Attorney General Rob Bonta’s statement concerning recent legislation (AB 3129) introduced in California addressing...

In Their Own Words. . . .Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa)

Posted  12/22/23
"The False Claims Act is our nation’s primary weapon against fraud, and it has been amended by Congress and reaffirmed by the courts throughout our history.  The qui tam provision has been particularly essential in our fight against fraudsters by leveraging whistleblowers’ knowledge of schemes that the government likely wouldn’t uncover on its own.  These brave and patriotic whistleblowers play a critical...

In Their Own Words. . . .Sam Lebovic

Posted  11/20/23
"[I]t is easier . . . to debate the character of the [whistleblower] than to try to make sense of the substantive political issues they reveal, which are by definition complex and controversial.  But when the inevitable next leaker comes along, we should not take this easy road. . . .  Rather than debating the personality of the discloser, we should debate the political significance of what was disclosed." Sam...

In Their Own Words. . . .Marie Terracol

Posted  11/8/23
"Whistleblowers regularly save lives, prevent environmental damages and help recover millions of [] much-needed public funds that would have been lost to corruption.  It is essential that policymakers safeguard and empower whistleblowers to come forward and speak up in the public interest." Marie Terracol, Whistleblower Protection Lead at Transparency International, in connection with the organization's...

In Their Own Words. . . .CFTC Commissioner Christy Goldsmith Romero

Posted  11/1/23
"Whistleblowers play a vital role in supporting CFTC investigations related to fraud and other illegality.  The CFTC could not fully protect customers and markets without whistleblowers.  . . .  The faster we can stop fraud, the more we can protect customers from harm." From Commissioner Goldsmith Romero's Statement on the Commodity Futures Trading Commission's Annual Report on its Whistleblower Program, which...

In Their Own Words. . . .Igor Volovich

Posted  10/31/23
"A whistleblower is a canary in the mine. . . .  They are essential for the continued safe operation of the mine." Igor Volovich, VP of compliance strategy at Qmulos, in Security Week article on the rise of cybersecurity whistleblowers and why companies would be best served by treating them as friends not foes.

In Their Own Words. . . .Government Accountability Project Tom Devine and Joe Spielberger

Posted  09/28/23
"[Whistleblower] retaliation doesn’t just punish honest people, it scares others into silence, allowing corruption to continue threatening the health, safety, and welfare of Florida’s residents and honest contractors." From their OpEd in today's Miami Herald calling on Florida Senator Rick Scott to support the Expanding Whistleblower Protections for Contractors Act, bipartisan legislation that "would update and...

In Their Own Words. . . .Rice University Political Science Professor Mark Jones

Posted  09/22/23
"[T]he reality is that if you’re a whistleblower, at a very high level you saw a group of well-respected, conscientious whistleblowers go to the FBI only after they were unable to convince their boss that he was engaging in transgressions and the response of all this is that their names get dragged through the mud, they get fired.  The lesson they’re going to draw from it is, 'Why bother?'" From the Texas...
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