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DOJ and States Seek to Halt Takeoff of American Airlines and JetBlue’s Joint Venture

Posted  09/28/21
By James J. Kovacs
The United States Department of Justice, six states and the District of Columbia recently unveiled an innovative antitrust complaint filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts seeking to dissolve American Airlines and JetBlue’s “Northeast Alliance.” While the complaint characterizes the agreements between the two airlines as a “de facto merger,” the antitrust enforcers take the...

Consumers Are Poised to Gain an Advocate for Privacy Rights at the Federal Trade Commission

Posted  09/24/21
The Biden administration has sent a strong signal it is serious about regulating technology behemoths with its latest pick for Commissioner of the Federal Trade Commission, Alvaro Bedoya—a leading privacy advocate. On September 13, 2021, President Biden nominated Bedoya—Visiting Professor of Law and Founding Director of the Center on Privacy and Technology at Georgetown University Law School—for the final...

The Antitrust Week In Review

Posted  09/20/21
Here are some of the developments in antitrust news this past week that we found interesting and are following. Federal Trade Commission Withdraws Vertical Merger Guidelines and Commentary.  The Federal Trade Commission voted to withdraw its approval of the Vertical Merger Guidelines, issued jointly with the Department of Justice (DOJ), and the FTC’s Vertical Merger Commentary. The FTC stated that the guidance...

An Epic Fail or an Epic Win for Tech Antitrust?

Posted  09/20/21
By Ankur Kapoor
On September 10, the court issued its judgment in the trial of Epic Games, Inc. v. Apple Inc., ruling in Apple’s favor on nine out of Epic’s ten claims and on Apple’s counterclaims, but in Epic Games’ favor on its claim under California’s Unfair Competition Law.  Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers’ 180-page, single-spaced findings of fact and conclusions of law are the first exposition, by a U.S. court, of...

The Antitrust Week In Review

Posted  09/13/21
Here are some of the developments in antitrust news this past week that we found interesting and are following. U.S. lawmakers say decision in Apple/Epic fight shows need to update laws.  U.S. lawmakers determined to tighten antitrust laws said on Friday that a judge's decision giving only a partial victory to "Fortnite" creator Epic Games in its fight with Apple Inc was further evidence of the need for new laws...

The Antitrust Week In Review

Posted  09/8/21
Here are some of the developments in antitrust news this past week that we found interesting and are following. Is it time for the class action plaintiffs’ bar to skirt the 1st Circuit?  Here’s a tip for class action defendants in New England and Puerto Rico: If you credibly threaten to turn your case into a series of mini-trials over class membership, you can probably beat class certification. That’s the...

In the Dog Days of Summer, Prescription Pet Food Conspiracy Case Beats a Motion to Dismiss in Kansas

Posted  09/2/21
By Taline Sahakian, Alysia A. Solow
Is there any truth to the allegations that pet food manufacturers have conspired to monopolize and artificially inflate prices in the prescription pet food market?   The Court of Appeals of Kansas says possibly—or at least that Stevie Kucharski-Berger’s case making those allegations can withstand a motion to dismiss and seek proof of those claims through discovery. Kucharski-Berger, upon advice of, and with a...

Supreme Court Reaffirms that Social Benefits Cannot Trump Competition Under the Sherman Act

Posted  08/31/21
By Saidah Grimes
Antitrust defendants have repeatedly failed to convince the Supreme Court it should recognize social objectives—that do not enhance competition—as defenses to restraints of trade challenged under the Rule of Reason analysis applied to most Sherman Act claims.  The Supreme Court extended that string of losses with its recent decision in NCAA v. Alston, which ruled, once again, that a defendant cannot defend...

The Antitrust Week In Review

Posted  08/30/21
Here are some of the developments in antitrust news this past week that we found interesting and are following. FTC urges judge to unwind $7.1 bln Illumina-Grail merger.  The U.S. Federal Trade Commission on Tuesday said it seeks to unwind life science company Illumina Inc's $7.1 billion acquisition of Grail Inc, alleging it would harm innovation and boost prices. FTC senior counsel Susan Musser said in her...

FTC Trial Seeks to Promote Competition in Cancer-Screening Tests by Unwinding Illumina-GRAIL Merger

Posted  08/30/21
By David A. Scupp
The FTC kicked off its trial challenging Illumina Inc.’s completed acquisition of GRAIL Inc. on Tuesday by urging an FTC administrative law judge to undo the $7.1 billion deal, arguing it would harm innovation and boost prices of cancer-screening tests. The FTC’s bid to unwind the merger of DNA sequencing leader Illumina and GRAIL, a biotech company focused on early cancer screenings could impact the health of...
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