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AfriLeaks -- A New, Secure Website for Whistleblowers in Africa

Posted  01/15/15
By Marlene Koury AfriLeaks is a new whistleblower website aimed at safely connecting whistleblowers with investigative journalists to expose corruption and human rights abuses in Africa.   It was developed in partnership with Italy’s Hermes Center for Transparency and Digital Human Rights and the Africa Network of Centers for Investigative Journalism and is run by an alliance of African news organizations –...

UK Continues to Say No to US-Styled Whistleblower Rewards

Posted  07/31/14
By Gordon Schnell It was only two months ago that the United Kingdom first made official its absolute rejection of US-styled whistleblower rewards. It came out of the response by the Department for Business Innovation & Skills to the “Call for Evidence” it put out last year soliciting comments on how to improve the country’s burgeoning whistleblower system. See UK Rejects Whistleblower Rewards. One of the key...

UK Rejects Whistleblower Rewards; At Least For Now

Posted  06/26/14
By Gordon Schnell The good news is the United Kingdom has spoken loud and clear on the critical role whistleblowers must play in rooting out fraud and misconduct in the workplace.  The bad news is it continues to believe whistleblower rewards is a bad idea.  This comes out of the response released yesterday by the UK Department for Business Innovation & Skills to the "Call for Evidence" it put out last year...

24 Steps Forward and 1 Giant Step Back on the Path to UK Whistleblower Reform

Posted  12/12/13
By Gordon Schnell Major kudos to Public Concern at Work (PCW), the highly regarded UK whistleblower charity, for its recent report on how best to advance whistleblowing in the Commonwealth.  It contains 25 recommendations to encourage more people to say something when they see something wrong in their workplace, and protect them from retaliation for doing so.  If adopted, the recommendations could go a long way...

Message to the UK – Whistleblower Incentives Work

Posted  11/7/13
By Gordon Schnell and Jason Enzler So it seems the United Kingdom is finally moving in the direction of serious whistleblower reform.  And it is looking to the U.S. experience for guidance.  In particular, it is considering whether the hefty financial incentives provided to whistleblowers under the False Claims Act (FCA) and Dodd-Frank Act are a good idea.  In a Call for Evidence put out by the U.K....
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