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July 12, 2023

An attorney formerly employed at the SEC for over 14 years has been sentenced to 6 years in prison and ordered to pay almost $1.4 million in restitution for defrauding over 1,000 investors while on supervised release for an earlier offense. In 2010, after leaving the SEC, Phillip Offill of Texas was sentenced to 8 years in prison and 3 years of supervised release for participating in multimillion dollar pump-and-dump stock manipulation schemes.  In 2011, following a civil case brought by the SEC, he was permanently barred from participating in penny stock offerings.  In 2012, following another case by the SEC, he was permanently barred again.  Despite these obstacles, Offill still managed to conspire with others to misappropriate millions of shares of a publicly traded company and fraudulently market and pump up demand for the shares through false statements and documents.  DOJ

July 11, 2023

Bank of America has been ordered to pay more than $100 million to harmed consumers, $90 million in penalties to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), and $60 million in penalties to the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) for multiple acts of misconduct.  The bank was found to charge consumers double fees on insufficient funds, withhold promised cash and point rewards on credit cards, and illegally obtain and use consumer credit reports without their approval.  CFPB

July 6, 2023

Emerson Sousa Pires and Flavio Mendes Goncalves, who together operated a purported hedge fund called EmpiresX, has been ordered to pay over $32 million in disgorgement, over $2 million in prejudgment interest, and civil penalties of $6 million and $5 million, respectively.  The two men sold investments by assuring investors that a trading “bot,” or skilled manual trading, guaranteed daily profits of 1%.  In reality, the bot was fake, the profits were losses, and the defendants were using investor funds to fund personal expenses.  SEC

July 5, 2023

The operators of four feeder funds who failed to register with the CFTC and violated commodity pool regulations have been ordered to pay over $10 million cumulatively.  Hemraj Singh and King Royalty, LLC were ordered to pay about $7 million in restitution and civil monetary penalties, while Surujpal Sahdeo and SR&B Investment Enterprises, Inc., Randy Rosseau and Bull Run Advantage, LLC, and Daniel Cologero and Green Knight Investments, LLC were each ordered to pay under $1 million.  In addition to registration violations, the individuals and their companies collected almost $58 million from investors but used less than $2.5 million for their intended purpose of forex trading, while issuing false statements to investors showing only profits and no losses.  CFTC

July 3, 2023

Argent Asset Group LLC, First State Depository Company, LLC, and owner Robert Higgins have been ordered to pay a total of $146 million for making false representations to prospective precious metals investors and misappropriating tens of millions of dollars.  Through a fraudulent silver leasing program called the Maximus Program that promised guaranteed monthly lease payments, the defendants convinced some 200 unsuspecting customers into storing their assets with Argent.  Unbeknownst to customers, however, the defendants failed to adequately insure those assets despite making representations about coverage, and misappropriated client assets.  CFTC

June 30, 2023

Robert Christensen and Anthony Matic, both of Oregon, have been ordered to pay almost $5.4 million for their roles in a multi-year Ponzi scheme that defrauded retail investors of more than $10 million.  Using their companies—Foresee Inc., The Commission PDX LLC, The Policy PDX LLC, and Innings 150 LLC—Christensen and Matic offered and sold unregistered promissory notes to investors by leading them to believe the raised funds would be used to invest in real estate, and all funds raised would be returned in full within a few months with 9-15% interest.  In reality, however, Christensen and Matic used the funds on personal, unauthorized purposes.  SEC

June 28, 2023

Michael Ackerman of Ohio has been banned from participating in CFTC-regulated markets and ordered to pay $27 million in restitution as well as $27 million in civil monetary penalties for operating a digital asset fraud scheme.  He was also ordered to pay $31 million in restitution and serve 5 years of probation and 1 year of home confinement in a related criminal proceeding.  According to the CFTC, Ackerman solicited funds from more than 150 individuals and entities under the guise of using the funds to invest in digital commodity assets.  He was ultimately able to raise at least $33 million, but misappropriated all but $10 million for his personal use.  CFTC

June 27, 2023

Publishers Clearing House has been ordered to pay $18.5 million and overhaul its sweepstakes entry and sales processes.  The FTC had charged the company with misleading consumers through “dark patterns”—including misleading email subject lines and manipulative website design—to convince consumers to make unnecessary purchases, and to disguise hidden shipping and handling costs on so-called “risk free” purchases.  FTC

June 26, 2023

Sanjay Singh, of Broward County, Florida, and his company, Royal Bengal Logistics Inc., have been charged by the SEC for fraudulently raising $112 million through a 5-year, Ponzi-like scheme, which targeted as many as 1,500 primarily Haitian-American investors through an unregistered securities offering. Singh promised investors guaranteed returns of 12.5 to 325 percent, and that the investors’ funds would be used to expand operations and increase its fleet of semi-trucks and trailers. Despite telling investors Royal Bengal generated up to $1 million in revenue per month, RB instead was operating at a loss and used approximately $70 million of new investor funds to make payments to other investors. Singh misappropriated at least $14 million of investor funds, and diverted more than $19 million into two brokerage accounts he controlled, engaged in highly speculative equities trading on margin in those accounts, and as a result lost more than $1 million of investor money. SEC

June 26, 2023

U.S.-based citizens Ronald Flynn and Richard Marchitto, their U.S.-based company Vuuzle Media Corp., and UAE-based company Vuuzle Media Corp Limited have been ordered to pay over $26 million in civil monetary penalties, and another $26 million in disgorgement and prejudgment interest, after they were found to have fraudulently raised over $25 million through high pressure sales tactics.  Using a boiler room of salespeople based largely in the Philippines, the defendants misled victims into believing Vuuzle was a legitimate and profitable company, when in fact, it was not, and investor funds were instead used on Flynn and Marchitto’s personal and business expenses.  SEC
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