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IRS Whistleblower Reward Program

This archive displays posts tagged as relevant to the IRS Whistleblower Reward Program. You may also be interested in the following pages:

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Record Period for Whistleblower Recoveries

Posted  08/8/16
By the C|C Whistleblower Lawyer Team We are supposed to be in the lazy days of summer.  But it has been anything but in the world of whistleblower recoveries under the False Claims Act.  This is the statute that allows whistleblowers to (i) bring a lawsuit on the government’s behalf for any fraud or misconduct that caused the government to suffer a financial loss, and (ii) obtain between 15 and 30 percent of...

August 3, 2016

The U.S. Tax Court made a whistleblower award of $17.8 million to a pair of whistleblowers which for the first time includes a portion of criminal fines and civil forfeitures in addition to part of the taxes the government recouped because of information they provided.  The parties involved in the case weren’t disclosed but it appears to stem from the prosecution of Wegelin & Co, the Swiss bank that closed after it pleaded guilty in 2013 to conspiring with U.S. taxpayers to hide money from the IRS.  WSJ

IRS Whistleblower Report to Congress Signals a Brighter Future

Posted  02/19/16
By Marlene Koury (published in AccountingWEB) The IRS Whistleblower Office recently released its annual report to Congress reflecting a pretty good year, with hope for a better year to come.  The IRS reported that in fiscal year 2015, it made 99 awards to whistleblowers totaling more than $103 million – more than double the amount of money it awarded whistleblowers in the previous year. The apparent success...

GAO Finds Widespread Problems In The IRS Whistleblower Program

Posted  12/3/15
By the C|C Whistleblower Lawyer Team Since 2011, the IRS whistleblower office has collected almost two billion in unpaid taxes and has awarded over $315 million to whistleblowers.  The apparent success of the program, however, is tempered by widespread problems in the timeliness and accuracy of providing awards, the lack of clear communication and claim review procedures, and a failure to provide protections...

In Their Own Words — Grassley

Posted  12/1/15

-- "We all need to make sure the IRS puts out a welcome mat for whistleblowers."

Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), on yesterday's report from the non-partisan Government Accountability Office finding major failings in the IRS Whistleblower Program and the need for the IRS to "step[] up its work."  Click here for more.

In Their Own Words -- Burns

Posted  09/1/15


Patrick Burns of Taxpayers Against Fraud discussing the IRS whistleblower program.

IRS Releases Another Report on Whistleblower Program

Posted  07/10/15
By Jason Enzler The Internal Revenue Service just released its annual report to Congress regarding its whistleblower program – and it reveals a program that at first blush is just as disappointing as it was last year.  In fact, a comparison of the two years suggests that the IRS whistleblower program may even have become less effective than it was previously. For example, in FY 2013, the IRS received over...

New IRS Whistleblower Rules Receive a “Mixed Review”

Posted  08/8/14
By Jason Enzler The Internal Revenue Service issued final rules for the IRS whistleblower program yesterday.  Under the new rules, some government employees may now qualify as whistleblowers, and whistleblower bounties may be larger in some cases.  But the rules will not permit whistleblowers to receive awards when the government uses their information to secure recoveries through criminal tax proceedings. The...

A Disappointing Whistleblower Report from the IRS

Posted  04/10/14
By Marlene Koury The IRS recently released its Annual Report to Congress on its whistleblower program and the results are discouraging even for an agency that has a questionable track record when it comes to dealing with whistleblowers.  Despite having received more tips than ever – over nine thousand of them -- the IRS paid only $53 million to whistleblowers in 2013.  This is a sharp drop from the $125 million...