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Ninth Circuit Refuses to Kill Incentive Compensation Ban Whistleblower Suit

Posted  08/31/18
Education Fraud
Last week, the Ninth Circuit refused to kill a False Claims Act lawsuit alleging that San Francisco’s Academy of Art University violated the federal incentive compensation ban. The ban, which falls under Title IV of the Higher Education Act, prohibits schools that receive federal funds from paying incentives to employees for securing enrollments. The ban operates to protect students from pushy recruiters looking to...

Massachusetts High Court Bars Companies as Whistleblowers Under State False Claims Act

Posted  08/9/18
In a decision handed down Tuesday, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court ruled that only individuals, not companies, have standing to bring a whistleblower action under the State's False Claims Act. The decision in Phone Recovery Services, LLC. v. Verizon of New England, Inc. is groundbreaking in its limitation of who qualifies as a whistleblower. At the same time, it likely is quite limited in its reach as it is...

Constantine Cannon Partner Jessica Moore on Court’s Decision in Medicare Advantage Case

Posted  07/23/18
Becker’s Hospital Review published Four Key Takeaways From 9th Circuit’s Resurrection of the Silingo Medicare Advantage Case, written by Constantine Cannon partner Jessica T. Moore. In the article, Ms. Moore analyzes the Ninth Circuit’s July, 2018, ruling in U.S. ex rel. Silingo v. WellPoint, Inc., a case brought by a whistleblower under the False Claims Act alleging risk adjustment fraud in Medicare’s Part C...

10th Circuit Finds that Doctor’s Judgment is Not Automatically Reasonable and Necessary

Posted  07/20/18
By Poppy Alexander Top-level heart surgeons work in a rarified world, where few may question their medical judgment. Yet that judgment is not infallible-and its presence is not in itself a protection against False Claims Act liability. The Tenth Circuit recently held as much in United States ex rel. Polukoff v. St. Mark’s Hospital et al., finding that a doctor may be exercising medical judgment while still...

False Claims Act Developments: Sixth Circuit Rules that Timing Matters When It Comes to Certifying Plans of Care

Posted  06/21/18
By Leah Judge Reaffirming the importance of patient plans of care, the Sixth Circuit recently held that the timing of a physician’s certification of such plans is material to the government’s decision to pay for home health services. The case marks another circuit court’s application of the materiality standard announced in Universal Health Servs., Inc. v. United States ex rel. Escobar, and serves as a rebuke...

Dodd-Frank's Anti-Retaliation Protections Apply Only to Whistleblowers Who Report to the SEC

Posted  02/23/18
In Digital Realty Trust, Inc. v. Somers, a 9-0 opinion by Justice Ginsburg, the Supreme Court held that the anti-retaliation provisions of the 2010 Dodd-Frank Act do not extend to employees who have reported internally but extend only to employees who have reported suspected securities law violations to the SEC. The Supreme Court's decision reversed the Ninth Circuit, and resolved a longtime circuit split. The Fifth...

Florida Judge Erases $350M Jury Verdict in FCA Case

Posted  01/18/18
By the C|C Whistleblower Lawyer Team Last Thursday, a judge in the Middle District of Florida threw out a $350M jury verdict against a nursing home provider. The basis of the decision was a stringent interpretation of the FCA’s materiality element. The ruling heavily relied upon the 2016 Supreme Court decision in Universal Health Services v. Escobar. This is the latest example of that ruling being hashed out in...

District Court Gives Short Shrift to Payment Terms in Recent Brookdale Decision

Posted  06/30/17
A recent district court decision from the Middle District of Tennessee serves as a reminder that qui tam relators would be wise to ferret out and include in their filings examples of any instances in which the government has taken enforcement action against companies involved in the type of misconduct they allege. It also underscores the point that courts must remember that the government has to pick and choose...

Eighth Circuit Rules That Public Disclosure Bar Applies in Drug Price Inflation Suit

Posted  05/31/17
Early this month, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit declined to revive a whistleblower’s False Claims Act (FCA) suit, ruling that prior litigation and government reports triggered the statutory public disclosure bar, even though the public disclosures at issue did not mention the defendants in the case. The case, United States ex rel. Lager v. CSL Behring. LLC, concerned fraud in the prescription drug...

Fifth Circuit Applies “Demanding” Escobar Materiality Standard

Posted  04/5/17
By Rosie Dawn Griffin The Supreme Court’s holding in Universal Health Services, Inc. v. United States ex rel. Escobar continues to be hashed out in the lower courts. Last month, the Fifth Circuit applied Escobar’s materiality standard in U.S. ex rel Abbott et al. v. BP Exploration and Production, Inc. et al., a whistleblower case former BP contractor Kenneth Abbott brought under the False Claims Act (FCA) in...