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193 Defendants Charged in $2.75 Billion Healthcare Fraud Schemes

Posted  June 30, 2024

The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) recently announced criminal charges against 193 defendants, including 76 doctors, nurse practitioners, and other licensed medical professionals across 32 federal districts in the United States. These charges relate to various healthcare fraud schemes, resulting in approximately $2.75 billion in intended losses and $1.6 billion in actual losses.  

The massive enforcement action proclaimed the 2024 National Health Care Fraud Enforcement Action was led by the Health Care Fraud Unit of the Criminal Division’s Fraud Section and its partners at the U.S. Attorneys’ Offices across the country, 11 State Attorney General’s Offices, the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General, FBI, and Drug Enforcement Administration. 

Key highlights of the action include:

  1. Amniotic Wound Grafts Fraud: A staggering $900 million fraud scheme connected to amniotic wound grafts targeting elderly Medicare patients. 
  2. Stimulant Distribution: Unlawful distribution of millions of pills of Adderall over the Internet and other stimulants by five defendants associated with a digital technology company.
  3. Adulterated HIV Medication: Corporate executives distributing wholesale adulterated and misbranded HIV medication to pharmacies pursuant to a “buy-back” scheme, totaling over $90 million in fraud.
  4. Addiction Treatment Schemes: Fraudulent addiction treatment schemes and Medicare billings amounting to over $146 million, including kickbacks for referrals of patients.
  5. Telemedicine and Laboratory Fraud: Over $1.1 billion in telemedicine and laboratory fraud for various abuses, from kickbacks for referrals for genetic testing to billing for 10 to 30-second patient visits.
  6. Other Health Care Fraud and Opioid Schemes: Approximately $450 million in various healthcare frauds and opioid-related schemes.

The coordinated nationwide law enforcement action also led to the seizure of over $231 million in cash, luxury vehicles, gold, and other assets. Attorney General Merrick B. Garland emphasized that those who profit from unlawful practices will be held accountable, regardless of their professional background, whether corporate executive or medical professional, noting, “[t]he Justice Department will bring to justice criminals who defraud Americans, steal from taxpayer-funded programs, and put people in danger for the sake of profits.”

If you have information about potential healthcare fraud and would like to speak to an experienced Constantine Cannon whistleblower lawyer team member, please don’t hesitate to contact us for a free and confidential consultation.