Insurance companies and government insurance programs are often targets of fraudulent activity. Whistleblowers with knowledge of such fraud can be eligible for financial rewards in a number of different ways, including when they report:
Fraud on the federal Crop Insurance Program. The Federal Crop Insurance program provides a vital service to farmers and our nation’s agricultural industry—protecting financial investments in crops from unexpected losses—but is, unfortunately, often a target for fraud, which can lead to liability under the False Claims Act.
Fraud on the federal Flood Insurance Program. Flood insurance fraud usually occurs in the aftermath of natural disasters, in which a combination of weather factors causes major damage to structures. Most flood insurance policies are issued by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and thus may create False Claims Act liability.
Fraud on private insurers in California and Illinois. Fraud against private insurance companies has negative consequences for all consumers, as those facing rising premium rates know. California and Illinois each have laws that allow interested parties to bring civil suits against defendants who have defrauded (or attempted to defraud) private insurers. “Interested parties” include—but are not limited to—the defrauded insurers themselves.