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March 25, 2021

Posted  March 25, 2021

The eighth highest grossing casino in California, Artichoke Joe’s Casino, has agreed to pay $5.3 million in the largest agreed-upon penalty in California’s gambling regulation history.  According to the Attorney General’s Office, Artichoke Joe’s failed to accurately or timely report an investigation by the federal Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) to California’s Bureau of Gambling Control, as required under the Gambling Control Act of 1998.  As a result of the federal investigation, Artichoke Joe’s admitted that it failed to implement and maintain an effective anti-money laundering program and failed to report certain suspicious activity, in violation of the Bank Secrecy Act; the casino will pay a separate $5 million penalty to resolve those charges.  CA AG

Tagged in: Money Laundering, Reporting to Government,