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Department of Justice Compensates Victims of Bernard Madoff Fraud Scheme With Funds Recovered Through Asset Forfeiture

Posted  November 10, 2017

By the C|C Whistleblower Lawyer Team

The Department of Justice today announced that on Nov. 9, the Madoff Victim Fund began its initial distribution of $772.5 million in funds forfeited to the U.S. Government in connection with the Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC fraud scheme.  These funds will be sent to 24,631 victims across the globe. This distribution represents the first in a series of payments that will eventually return over $4 billion to victims as compensation for losses they suffered from the collapse of the BLMIS.  The Madoff Victim Fund has received over 65,000 petitions from victims in 136 countries.

These payments mark the single largest distribution of forfeited funds in the history of the Department’s victim compensation program.

Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein, Acting U.S. Attorney Joon H. Kim for the Southern District of New York and Assistant Director in Charge William F. Sweeney Jr., of the FBI’s New York Field Division made the announcement.

“Thanks to civil asset forfeiture, the Department of Justice is announcing today the record-setting distribution of restitution to victims of Bernard Madoff’s notorious investment fraud scheme,” said Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein.  “We have recovered billions of dollars from third parties – not Mr. Madoff – and are now returning that money to tens of thousands of victims. This is the largest restoration of forfeited property in history.”

“Bernie Madoff committed one of history’s largest and most devastating frauds,” said Acting U.S. Attorney Kim.  “This Office not only prosecuted Madoff himself and others who helped perpetrate his fraud, but has remained committed to recovering money for his victims.  To date, this Office has recovered more than $9 billion for the innocent victims of Madoff’s fraud, and today’s distribution of $770 million, the single largest distribution of forfeited funds in the Department’s history is part of our ongoing commitment to not only prosecute criminals but also find relief for victims.” DOJ

Tagged in: Ponzi Schemes, Securities Fraud,