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Expanded Connecticut State False Claims Act is Win for Whistleblowers

Posted  July 7, 2023

Whistleblowers take note: the Connecticut State False Claims Act (CT FCA) has been significantly expanded beyond healthcare fraud claims. Historically, the CT FCA was limited to fraud on Medicaid and other programs within health and human services. The amended statute now reaches fraud across a variety of sectors, such as government contracting, education, employment, immigration, housing, mortgage and insurance fraud, among others (excluding tax fraud). The amendments, which took effect July 1, 2023, have transformed the formerly narrow CT FCA into a powerful tool allowing the Office of the Attorney General to pursue fraud and abuse of tax dollars anywhere in the State government. Attorney General William Tong said “[t]his is a historic win for all Connecticut taxpayers and workers. Every public dollar, worker, program, and agency should be equally protected from fraud, abuse and corruption. That has not been the case in Connecticut today, but it will be now.” The new law, as before, can be enforced by whistleblowers who file private qui tam suits for treble damages and other remedies.

For more information, the full redlined text of the bill can be found here.

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Tagged in: Education Fraud, FCA State, Government Programs Fraud, Housing and Mortgage Fraud,