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Whistleblower News From The Inside — March 4, 2016

Posted  March 4, 2016

By the C|C Whistleblower Lawyer Team

Trump university fraud “pretty straightforward” —  NY Attorney General Schneiderman said, “if you tell people we’re going to teach you Donald Trump’s secrets, and he never had any part in writing the curriculum, that’s fraud,” adding that thousands of students paid millions of dollars to the school.  CNN

U.K. launches whistleblower champions — The Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority will require banks to appoint a senior manager as a “whistleblowers’ champion,” to ensure any concerns raised by someone within an organization are taken seriously, that there are policies and processes in place to ensure tipsters know their rights, and that the board gets a report at least once a year on whistleblowing activity.  WSJ

WIPO whistleblower policy fails most criteria of recognized best practices GAP Legal Director Tom Devine analyzed the World Intellectual Property Organization’s whistleblower policy and concluded that “this seriously-flawed policy does not provide genuine free speech rights against retaliation for those who challenge abuses of power that betray WIPO’s mission” and that WIPO’s policy barely passed 4 of the 20 requirements comprising recognized best practices.  GAP

Warren writes letter to Education Department on Navient issue — Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) accuses the Education Department of being unable to police its loans contractors and questioned whether it can be trusted to protect the 42 million Americans with federal student loans, saying “to date, the department has done nothing but generate excuses for why it will not act to hold Navient accountable, and has put no serious effort into trying to remedy — or even identify — this problem to the extent it occurred.”  Huffington Post

Brazil’s Former President targeted in corruption raid  Police conducted a dawn raid on the home of Brazil’s former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva today, with an extensive investigation into corruption and money-laundering now touching the man once dubbed “the most popular politician on Earth.”    NPR