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October 22, 2021

Texas doctors Robert Wills and Brannon Frank, who previously operated Austin Pain Associates, will pay $3.9 million to resolve allegations that they billed federal and state healthcare programs for medically unnecessary urine drug tests that were performed at Austin Pain Associates’ in-house lab.  The investigation was initiated after a whistleblower complaint was filed by former Austin Pain Associates employees Jennifer Nuessner and Robert Hoffman; they will receive approximately $618,000 from the federal share of the settlements. DOJ

October 14, 2021

Owners and executives of Massachusetts mental health provider South Bay Mental Health Center, Inc. have agreed to pay $25 million to resolve claims that they caused the submission of false claims to the state’s Medicaid program, MassHealth, by billing for services provided by unlicensed, unqualified, and improperly supervised staff members in violation of MassHealth regulations. Defendants  H.I.G. Growth Partners, LLC and H.I.G. Capital, LLC will pay $19.95 million and defendants Peter J. Scanlon and Kevin P. Sheehan, who held executive and board positions at relevant entities, will pay $5.05 million.  The case was initiated by the filing of a whistleblower complaint under the Massachusetts False Claims Act.  SBMHC previously agreed to pay $4 million to resolve related charges.  Mass

September 27, 2021

The State of New York has reached a $6 million settlement with electricity provider National Grid to resolve a fraud investigation launched by a whistleblower’s qui tam suit.  As part of its contract with the Long Island Power Authority (LIPA), National Grid was tasked with reading meters, collecting payments, and providing customer service, while LIPA provided the actual electricity.  For over four years, however, National Grid allegedly underreported the amount of electricity being delivered to homes and businesses, costing LIPA and the state millions in lost revenue.  The whistleblower in this matter will receive $1.41 million, while the settlement proceeds will go toward subsidizing energy upgrades for low-income residents.  NY AG

August 26, 2021

In-home care provider At Home Care LLC and its principal, Kevin Cox, will pay a total of $2.9 million to resolve allegations that they overcharged the Oregon Medicaid program, including by altering caregiver scheduling records and falsely billing for hours of in-home care that were not actually provided.  The company pleaded guilty to healthcare fraud charges, and agreed to be excluded from government healthcare programs.  USAO Or

August 25, 2021

A California-based provider of home respiratory services and durable medical equipment has agreed to pay $3.3 million to the United States and States of California and Nevada to settle allegations of defrauding Medicare and Medicaid.  The claims against SuperCare Health, Inc. were brought in a 2018 qui tam suit by respiratory therapist Benjamin Martinez, who alleged that the provider billed for non-invasive ventilators (NIVs) that were no longer needed or being used by patients.  CA AG; USAO CDCA

August 17, 2021

Bristol Myers Squibb (BMS) has agreed to pay $75 million to a resolve a whistleblower’s allegations that it underpaid drug rebates owed to state Medicaid programs nationwide.  In order to ensure states pay competitive prices, federal law requires pharmaceutical companies to return a portion of payments from state Medicaid programs, calculated based on the average price paid by drug wholesalers.  The misconduct involved BMS underreporting their drugs’ Average Manufacturer’s Price by treating wholesaler fees as discounts, thus decreasing the amount it supposedly owed to the healthcare programs.  CA AG; NJ AG

July 23, 2021

Alabama non-profit SpectraCare Health Systems, Inc., which provides services including developmental disability services, intermediate care medical services, and behavioral health services, agreed to pay $1 million to resolve claims first brought in a whistleblower action alleging that the provider improperly billed Alabama Medicaid and failed to return overpayments to the Alabama Medicaid Agency.  The defendant was alleged to have submitted false claims including claims without correct and complete documentation, and duplicate claims, and to have knowingly retained payments it received to which it was not entitled.  The settlement will be split between the federal government and the Alabama Medicaid Agency, with the whistleblower receiving 19% of the federal recovery.  USAO MD AL

July 22, 2021

Medical laboratory Bluewater Toxicology, LLC, agreed to pay $1.2 million following its self-report of overbilling for urine drug testing services.  In billing Medicare, Kentucky Medicaid, Indiana Medicaid, TRICARE, and CHAMPVA, Bluewater was alleged to have submitted false claims that misrepresented the number of drugs tested in definitive urine drug tests, that lacked sufficient documentation, or that were for specimen validity testing that is not separately billable to Medicare.  USAO ED KY

July 19, 2021

Prime Healthcare Services, one of the largest hospital systems in the nation, its founder and CEO Dr. Prem Reddy, and interventional cardiologist Dr. Siva Arunasalam have agreed to pay $37.5 million to resolve two suits filed by former executive Martin Mansukhani, and former employees Marsha Arnold and Joseph Hill.  In violation of the federal and California False Claims Acts, certain Prime hospitals had allegedly submitted inflated invoices to Medi-Cal and other government health programs, or submitted claims to Medi-Cal and Medicare under Arunasalam’s provider number for services provided by an excluded physician.  Additionally, in acquiring Arunasalam’s physician practice and surgery center, Prime allegedly paid above fair market value for referrals from Arunasalam to one of their hospitals.  For being the first to file, one of the whistleblowers, Mansukhani, will receive a relator’s share of nearly $10 million.  CA AG; USAO CDCA

July 14, 2021

Diesel Direct, LLC of Stoughton, Massachusetts will pay $850,000 to resolve claims brought in a qui tam action alleging that the company knowingly delivered nonconforming petroleum diesel fuel to state agencies while charging for a higher-priced and more environmentally-friendly biodiesel fuel; improperly charged state agencies a federal fuel excise tax; and failed to comply with the state's Supplier Diversity Program requiring spending with women-owned, minority-owned, and veteran-owned businesses. Mass
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