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Government Procurement Fraud

This archive displays posts tagged as relevant to fraud in government contracting and procurement. You may also be interested in the following pages:

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September 27, 2021

The State of New York has reached a $6 million settlement with electricity provider National Grid to resolve a fraud investigation launched by a whistleblower’s qui tam suit.  As part of its contract with the Long Island Power Authority (LIPA), National Grid was tasked with reading meters, collecting payments, and providing customer service, while LIPA provided the actual electricity.  For over four years, however, National Grid allegedly underreported the amount of electricity being delivered to homes and businesses, costing LIPA and the state millions in lost revenue.  The whistleblower in this matter will receive $1.41 million, while the settlement proceeds will go toward subsidizing energy upgrades for low-income residents.  NY AG

September 27, 2021

Oklahoma-based Devon Energy Corporation and its affiliates, Devon Energy Corp. and Devon Energy Production Company, LP (collectively, “Devon”) have agreed to pay $6.15 million to resolve allegations under the False Claims Act.  As a lessee of federal land, the oil and natural gas exploration and production company was required to pay royalties on gas found and produced on that land, as well as put the gas in marketable condition on its own dime.  According to the allegations, however, Devon underreported and underpaid royalties to the Department of the Interior by improperly deducting payments made to third-parties, including payments made to put the gas in marketable condition.  USAO CO

September 10, 2021

Defense contractors Southeastern Equipment Co., Inc. and SECO Parts and Equipment Co. have agreed to pay $900,000 to resolve allegations that they knowingly billed for and provided equipment that was not in compliance with the Buy American Act or the rules of the U.S. Army’s Simplified Nonstandard Acquisition Program.  The government’s investigation was initiated by a the filing of a whistleblower suit under the False Claims Act.  USAO SD Ga

Catch of the Week: San Francisco Garbage Companies Cop to Bribing Corrupt City Regulator in $36 Million Deal with Feds

Posted  09/10/21
Garbage Truck Men Loading Trash Behind Truck
Three San Francisco trash and recycling companies, all Recology, Inc. subsidiaries, have agreed to pay $36 million in a corruption scheme involving substantial bribes to former San Francisco Public Works Director Mohammad Nuru. The SF Recology Group, which includes Recology San Francisco, Sunset Scavenger Company, and Golden Gate Disposal & Recycling Company agreed to a deferred prosecution deal on charges they...

DOJ Reasserts the Proper Role for Agency Guidance in Fraud Cases

Posted  09/3/21
Department of Justice Logo
The Justice Department has quietly rescinded a Trump administration policy that was needlessly undermining the role of government agency guidance.  On July 1, 2021, Attorney General Merrick Garland issued a memorandum revoking what is known as the Brand Memo.  In her memo, Former Associate Attorney General Rachel Brand had set out a position that defense attorneys scrambled to use to argue for leniency or...

Whistleblowers are Essential to Protect Infrastructure Funds

Posted  08/27/21
construction site with cranes on dirt path
America’s roads, bridges, power grids, and airports are a mess.  Recently a group of civil and structural engineers graded the nation’s infrastructure a below-average C-. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill currently before Congress aims to solve some of those issues, with what the White House described as “a once-in-a-generation investment in our infrastructure.” The Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill promises...

August 26, 2021

Nonprofit organization the Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence, its former CEO Tiffany Carr, and other former officers and directors, have entered into a settlement agreement with the State of Florida to pay $5 million to resolve civil claims arising from the alleged misuse of state grant funds and excessive compensation to Carr.  The entity will be dissolved.  FL

Court says that fraudsters who violate rules they later claim are unclear may not violate the False Claims Act

Posted  08/19/21
Red and yellow pills scattered on hundred dollar bills
Last week, the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals, the federal appellate court for Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin decided U.S. ex rel. Yarberry v. Supervalu, an important decision that may lead more unscrupulous government contractors to help themselves to public funds to which they are not entitled.  Unless the Supreme Court or Congress steps in to correct the Seventh Circuit’s errors, the government may have...

August 18, 2021

Defense contractor Iris Kim, Inc. (“I-Tek”), together with its owner and four employees, were sentenced on criminal charges arising out of a fraudulent scheme to falsely qualify for Department of Defense and other federal government supply contracts set aside for service-disabled veterans, import Chinese-manufactured goods in violation of the terms of these contracts, and falsely relabel these goods as if they were made in the U.S.  The U.S. spent over $7 million on fraudulently-imported goods sold by I-Tek.  Owner Beyung S. Kim was sentenced to 58 months in prison, and the four employees were sentenced to a combined 93 months in prison.  USAO ED VA

August 3, 2021

In the largest prevailing wage criminal case in the country, one of the largest contractors to complete projects on behalf of the State of Pennsylvania, Glenn O. Hawbaker, Inc., has agreed to pay more than $20 million in wages stolen from over a thousand of its workers.  Between 2003 and 2018, Hawbaker disguised wage theft on an estimated $1.7 billion in state contracts by artificially inflating costs by millions of dollars annually, and by claiming credits for prohibited costs.  PA AG
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