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Whistleblower Rewards

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November 28, 2022

An anonymous whistleblower received a $20 million award from the SEC, with the SEC finding that the whistleblower provided significant information and continuing helpful assistance in the Commission’s investigation.  The award order notes that the individual did not have information relating to one part of the enforcement action, and delayed reporting for two years after being involved for a short period in the conduct underlying part of the enforcement action, at the direction of their supervisor.  Four other claimants were denied any award related to the covered action.  SEC

November 14, 2022

The Florida Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation Association and a related entity, which were created by the State of Florida to provide compensation for the medical, rehabilitative and custodial care of children who suffered certain categories of birth-related neurological injuries, will pay $51 million to resolve a whistleblower’s qui tam lawsuit, pursued on a non-intervened basis, alleging that they fraudulently caused NICA participants to submit their healthcare claims to Medicaid rather than NICA, in violation of Medicaid’s status as the payer of last resort under federal law.  The relators, Veronica Arven and the estate of Theodore Arven III, will receive $12,750,000 as their share of the recovery.  DOJ

November 1, 2022

Electronic health record technology vendor Modernizing Medicine, Inc. (“ModMed”) has agreed to pay $45 million to resolve allegations, including by its former VP of Product Management, that it both received and provided illegal kickbacks in exchange for referrals.  According to the government and whistleblower Amanda Long, ModMed engaged in schemes with Miraca Life Sciences, Inc. (now known as Inform Diagnostics) to receive kickbacks in exchange for recommending its users for Miraca’s lab services, and to provide its EHR technology free to healthcare providers to entice them to direct lab orders to Miraca and add to ModMed’s user base.  Long will receive about $9 million of the settlement with ModMed. DOJ

October 31, 2022

The SEC has awarded more than $10 million to a whistleblower who provided critical information and assistance that contributed significantly to a successful enforcement action.  In addition to providing important documents, the whistleblower also met twice with agency staff, resulting in charges that closely mirrored the whistleblower’s allegations, as well as significant funds being returned to harmed investors.  SEC

October 18, 2022

Carter Healthcare LLC, affiliates CHC Holdings and Carter-Florida, president Stanley Carter, and Chief Operations Officer Bradley Carter have agreed to pay $23 million and $7.2 million to settle two whistleblower cases alleging violations of the False Claims Act.  The first case, filed in the Western District of Oklahoma, alleged that the Oklahoma-based home health company paid illegal kickbacks to physicians under the guise of medical directorships in order to induce referrals.  The second case, filed in the Southern District of Florida by former therapists Sharon Mahaffey and Mark Brimer, alleged that Carter Healthcare billed Medicare for medically unnecessary therapy and upcoded patient diagnoses for higher reimbursements.  As part of the settlements, defendants Stanley and Bradley Carter have agreed to be excluded from participating in government healthcare programs for 5 years, and whistleblowers Mahaffey and Brimer will split a $1.3 million relator’s share.  USAO WDOK; USAO SDFL

September 27, 2022

Following a whistleblower complaint that alleged Massachusetts-based Public Consulting Group LLC (PCG) overbilled Medicaid, in violation of the False Claims Act, the company has agreed to pay $2.5 million.  According to whistleblower Shane Shackford, PCG caused local school districts to submit false claims to Medicaid while under contract with the State of New Jersey to administer its Special Education Medicaid Initiative (SEMI) program—which provides federal funding to the state and local school districts for providing certain medical services to eligible students.  For his role in the case, Shackford will received a 21% share of the settlement.  USAO NJ

September 2, 2022

Bayer Corporation, together with its subsidiaries, will pay $40 million to settle claims initiated by a whistleblower alleging that the pharmaceutical manufacturer violated the False Claims Act by engaging in off-label marketing, unlawful kickbacks, and misreporting of safety risks with respect to its drugs Trasylol, Avelox, and Baycol.  The whistleblower, former Bayer marketing employee Laurie Simpson, will receive approximately $11 million from the settlement.  DOJ; USAO MN; USAO NJ

September 1, 2022

Philips RS North America LLC, formerly known as Respironics, will pay over $24 million to settle claims that it provided unlawful inducements to DME suppliers in the form of physician prescribing data that the DME suppliers could use in their marketing efforts.  The case was initiated by a qui tam complaint filed by former Respironics employee Jeremy Orling, who will receive a whistleblower award of approximately $4.3 millionDOJ; USAO SC

August 15, 2022

Flight instruction company Universal Helicopters Inc. will pay $7 million, and Dodge City Community College will pay $500,000, to resolve claims that the defendants made false statements to the VA in order to receive funding through the Post-9/11 GI Bill program for training programs they jointly ran.  Specifically, the defendants were alleged to have falsely certified that no more than 85 percent of the students in helicopter flight instructor programs were receiving VA benefits.  The government’s investigation was initiated by a whistleblower suit brought under the False Claims Act by a veteran and former student in the program, William Rowe.  Rowe will receive $1.125 million of the settlement.  DOJ

August 11, 2022

Industrial battery maker Eos Energy Storage LLC will pay $1.02 million, after a whistleblower filed suit alleging violations of the False Claims Act. From mid-2018 to mid-2019, Eos failed to declare the value of certain components shipped overseas to be assembled and then imported back into the United States. Eos also failed to declare transportation and packing costs on more than 60 occasions, which Eos further acknowledged was their responsibility as importer of record. The whistleblower will receive 20% of the settlement amount. USAO NJ
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