June 28, 2017
The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) announced that Judge Loretta C. Biggs of the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of North Carolina entered an Order of Final Judgment by Default (Order) against Defendants Tracy Lee Thomas (a/k/a Treyton L. Thomas, a/k/a Trayton L. Thomas, a/k/a Trey Thomas, a/k/a Tray Thomas, a/k/a T.L. Thomas), formerly of Naples, Florida, and Marbury Advisors Inc. (Marbury), a Cayman Islands corporation. The Court’s Order finds that the Defendants had fraudulently solicited over $ 1.1 million from customers, lost those funds trading, and provided customers with false reports or statements indicating their investments were profitable. The Court’s Order, entered on April 11, 2017 and stemming from a CFTC complaint filed March 22, 2016 (see CFTC Complaint and Press Release 7348-16), requires Thomas and Marbury, jointly and severally, to pay restitution of $1,110,413 and a civil monetary penalty of $3,331,239, which represents triple the monetary gain to Defendants. The Order also imposes permanent trading and registration bans and prohibits Defendants from further violations of the Commodity Exchange Act, as charged. CFTC
Tagged in: Fraud in CFTC-Regulated Markets, Misrepresentations,