“We are on the verge of a cultural paradigm shift” on Whistleblowers – Constantine Cannon Partner, Mary Inman

In the Time column “How to Rethink Whistleblowing for Today’s Post-Truth World,” partner Mary Inman shares her thoughts with Martin Bright, the London Observer journalist who broke the whistleblower story behind the movie “Official Secrets.” Bright’s column grapples with the contributions of whistleblowers in a time of unprecedented disregard of the truth. Says Mary Inman: “We are rapidly moving towards a more enlightened view of whistleblowers in which they are neither demonized as disloyal snitches nor glorified as courageous heroes, but instead are normalized as ordinary employees doing a regular, accepted part of their jobs.” Bright also quotes Tom Mueller, author of the new book Crisis of Conscience: Whisteblowing in an Age of Fraud, along similar lines: “I think we need to start celebrating individuals who think with their own heads and hearts, who have enough self-belief not to catch the infectious enthusiasm of the team.”
- Mary Inman
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