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Whistleblower News from the Inside - November 1, 2013

Posted  November 1, 2013

Model photoshopping exposed – ABC video explores the skinny on the extent of model photoshopping and its dangerous social consequences.  ABC

Senate Judiciary Committee approves antitrust whistleblower bill – It aims to prevent retaliation against those reporting price-fixing violations to the DOJ.  Reuters

Snowden inspiring more NSA leakers – The Government Accountability Project, a whistleblower protection group, says the NSA whistleblower has motivated many others to follow suit.  GAP

FDA finds contamination in spice imports –  An FDA analysis finds 12% of spice import are contaminated with insect parts, whole insects, rodent hairs and other nasty things.  NYT

Taking child concussions more seriously – An Institute of Medicine report says there remains a “culture of resistance” when it comes to reporting concussions and complying with treatment plans.  WSJ

CFTC gets tougher on commodities trading —  In an effort to avoid another MF Global fiasco, the agency approves rules which it hopes will shine a light on how brokers maintain their clients’ accounts.  NYT