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Whistleblower News from the Inside - October 1, 2013

Posted  October 1, 2013

Hidden harms of government shutdown – In addition to its obvious impact on federal workers and the economy, the shutdown would also affect numerous government programs for veterans, the disabled, and the poor.  Washington Post

SEC makes $14 million whistleblower award – This is the agency’s fourth award and by far its largest under the whistleblower provisions of the Dodd-Frank Act.  SEC

Annual cost for NYC prisoners nears Ivy League education – A report by NYC’s Independent Budget Office puts the annual per-prisoner price tag at $167,731, almost as much as 4 years of Ivy League tuition and more than triple the cost of other big cities such as LA and Chicago.  AP

Vice Admiral suspended in gambling inquiry – Vice Adm. Timothy Giardina, number two at the US Strategic Command, which oversees the military’s nuclear forces, is suspended over his possible involvement in illegal gambling.  NYT

Navy charity scammer headed to trial – John Donald Cody, a Harvard-trained lawyer and former military intelligence officer, is accused of masterminding a $100 million fraud scheme involving a fake charity for Navy veterans.  Fox

Mark Cuban on trial for insider trading – The SEC has charged the outspoken billionaire owner of the Dallas Mavericks for using inside information to sell his shares of the former Internet search company Mamma.com.  Reuters