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Whistleblower News From The Inside -- April 3, 2017

Posted  April 3, 2017

By the C|C Whistleblower Lawyer Team

Former Penn State Assistant Gets $1.7 Million in Whistleblower Fees — Penn State whistleblower Mike McQueary’s lawyers were granted $1.7 million for their work on McQueary’s whistleblower case regarding his treatment by the university after the Jerry Sandusky child molestation case. The judge wrote that it would not be reasonable to expect whistleblowers to put their jobs and paychecks at risk in reporting suspected wrongdoing, as well as to fund their own legal representation. Washington Post

Wells Fargo Still Faces Over a Dozen Probes Tied to Fake Account Scandal —  Six months after the fake account scandal erupted, Wells Fargo still faces more than a dozen investigations, inquiries and lawsuits related to its notorious sales tactics and alleged mistreatment of workers. The long list of both internal and external probes linked to the fiasco creates significant uncertainty at Wells Fargo despite steps taken to move forward. The probes include DOJ, SEC, whistleblower, retaliation, and congressional investigations. CNN

Mylan Won’t See if it Will Begin Paying a Much Higher Medicaid Rebate in April — Mylan is refusing to say if it will begin paying much higher rebates to Medicaid for EpiPen as early as Saturday, as the big drugmaker had previously announced. Mylan already has enjoyed a six-month grace period on paying the higher rate after announcing in October that it would pay a $465 million settlement to the U.S. Justice Department to resolve claims it had knowingly shortchanged Medicaid on rebates. CNBC