August 22, 2017
The Securities and Exchange Commission today charged investment adviser Jeremy Drake with defrauding two clients, a high profile professional athlete and the athlete’s wife, by deceiving them about the investment advisory fees they were paying. The SEC alleges that Drake went to elaborate lengths to conceal his fraud, including creating and sending false documents and masquerading as another person to corroborate his lies. The SEC alleges that Drake, then with Los Angeles-based HCR Wealth Advisors, deceived the clients for more than three years, telling them that they paid a special “VIP” annual rate of 0.15 to 0.20 percent of their assets under management when in fact they paid 1 percent. Drake’s deception led the clients to pay $1.2 million more in management fees than Drake represented. Drake personally received approximately $900,000 of incentive-based compensation based on the fees paid by the clients during the course of his deception. SEC
Tagged in: Misrepresentations, Securities Fraud,