April 4, 2023
From 2014 to 2022, medical testing company Genotox Laboratories Ltd. paid kickbacks to their “1099” representatives, calculated as a percentage of the revenue Genotox received from Medicare, the Railroad Retirement Board, and TRICARE billings for testing orders facilitated or arranged for by these representatives. In addition to the kickbacks, Genotox also allowed providers to create “custom profiles” to pre-select the tests to order for their patients, often resulting in medically unnecessary testing, such as definitive drug testing for 22 or more drug classes. Genotox will pay $5.9 million, and Genotox’s former billing manager—the whistleblower in this qui tam action—will receive approximately $1 million. DOJ
Tagged in: Anti-Kickback and Stark, FCA Federal, Healthcare Fraud, Laboratory and IDTF, Lack of Medical Necessity, Medicare, Other Government Health Programs, Provider Fraud, Whistleblower Case, Whistleblower Rewards,