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WB Group Successes

Members of the Constantine Cannon Whistleblower Lawyer Team have been responsible for a string of major whistleblower successes over more than a decade.  Please see our Whistleblower Team Successes page.

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Community Health Network – Healthcare Fraud/Kickbacks ($135 million)

Constantine Cannon represented a whistleblower alleging Indiana-based Community Health Network violated the False Claims Act and Stark Law by paying physicians exorbitant salaries in exchange for referrals to Community Health facilities.  In December 2024, Community Health agreed to pay $135 million to settle the matter.  This was in addition to the $345 million the company paid in December 2023 to settle related allegations.  Read more – Indy Star, Modern Healthcare, DOJ, CC.

Independent Health – Healthcare Fraud/Medicare Advantage ($98 million)

Constantine Cannon represented a whistleblower alleging Buffalo-based Independent Health violated the False Claims Act by submitting invalid and unsupported diagnosis codes to Medicare for Medicare Advantage Plan enrollees to increase the company’s payments under the Medicare Advantage program (Medicare Part C).  In December 2024, Independent Health agreed to pay up to $98 million to settle the matter.  The whistleblower will receive at least $8.2 million from the proceeds of the government’s recovery.  Read more – Becker’s, Buffalo News, DOJ, CC.

DaVita – Healthcare Fraud/Kickbacks ($34.5 million)

Constantine Cannon represented a whistleblower alleging Denver-based provider of dialysis services DaVita Inc. violated the False Claims Act and Anti-Kickback Statute by paying physicians for referring patients to DaVita’s dialysis centers and paying a competitor for referrals to DaVita Rx, a former subsidiary that provided pharmacy services for dialysis patients.  In July 2024, DaVita agreed to settle the matter for roughly $34.5 million.  The whistleblower received roughly 18.5% of the government’s recovery.  Read more – Denver PostModern HealthcareDOJCC.

Major Banks – Procurement Fraud/Finance ($70 million)

Constantine Cannon represented a whistleblower in an Illinois False Claims Act case alleging eight of the nation’s largest banks – including Bank of America, Barclays, Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase, Morgan Stanley, Fifth Third, BMO, and William Blair – engaged in widespread fraud and collusion in the fees they charged and the interest rates they set for Illinois tax-exempt municipal bonds known as VRDOs.  In February 2024, the banks paid $70 million to settle the matter, making it the largest reported settlement ever under the Illinois False Claims Act.  Our client received a whistleblower award of roughly $14 million.  Read more – Bond BuyerPR NewswireCC.

Constantine Cannon Announces Record $70 Million Whistleblower Settlement for Alleged Municipal Bond Fraud and Price Fixing

Posted  03/22/24
The Constantine Cannon whistleblower team is pleased to announce a $70 million settlement for its client Edelweiss Fund LLC in a whistleblower lawsuit against eight of the nation's largest banks, making it the largest reported settlement ever under the Illinois False Claims Act.  Constantine Cannon originally filed the action in 2014 and since then has built up the Edelweiss legal team with multiple firms across the...

KBR - Procurement Fraud/Defense ($108.75 million)

Constantine Cannon represented two whistleblowers in a False Claims Act case alleging defense contractor KBR Services overcharged the government in procuring supplies for U.S. troops stationed in Iraq and Afghanistan.  In July 2023, KBR agreed to pay $108.75 million to settle the matter, which amounted to the largest settlement involving Iraq War fraud ever.  Our clients received a whistleblower award of $31.5 million.  Read more -- Houston Chronicle, PR Newswire, CC.

Hyundai/Kia – Auto Safety ($210 million)

Constantine Cannon represented a whistleblower in a submission under the Motor Vehicle Safety Whistleblower Act, alleging critical engine defects in millions of Hyundai/Kia vehicles.  In November 2020, Hyundai/Kia agreed to pay combined penalties of up to $210 million, the largest such penalties ever assessed against a carmaker.  And in November 2021, our client received a whistleblower award of $24.3 million, the largest award ever made under the auto safety whistleblower program.  Read more -- Reuters, NPR, CNN, NHTSA, CC.

Sutter Health – Healthcare Fraud/Medicare Advantage ($90 million)

Constantine Cannon represented a whistleblower in a False Claims Act case alleging Sutter Health and its affiliates inflated the number and severity of Medicare Advantage patient diagnoses, manipulated patient records, ignored audit red flags, and engaged in other misconduct to increase patient risk scores and obtain Medicare Advantage payments to which they were not entitled.  In August 2021, Sutter agreed to pay $90 million to settle the matter, the largest Medicare Advantage False Claims Act settlement to date against a hospital system, and at the time, the second largest reported Medicare Advantage fraud settlement ever.  Our client received a whistleblower award of roughly $22 million.  Read more -- AP, Reuters, SF ChronicleDOJ, PR NewswireCC.

ITG - Securities Fraud violations (Multi-Millions)

Constantine Cannon represented a whistleblower in a submission under the SEC Whistleblower Program relating to brokerage firm ITG's alleged violations of the firm’s dark pool, POSIT.  In May 2021, the SEC awarded our client 30% of the government's recovery, the maximum amount allowed under the program.  Read more -- CC

Centric Parts - Customs Fraud ($8 million)

Constantine Cannon represented a whistleblower in a False Claims Act case alleging auto parts distributor Centric Parts misclassified brake pads imported from Asia to avoid millions of dollars of customs duties.  In July 2020, the company agreed to pay $8 million to settle the matter.  Our client (along with a second whistleblower) received a whistleblower award of 18.5% of the government's recovery.  Read more -- DOJCC.
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