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DOJ Enforcement Actions

The Department of Justice is the principal federal agency authorized to enforce the laws and defend the interests of the United States. As such, it oversees the enforcement of the False Claims Act, the foundation of the American whistleblower system, as well as numerous other laws.

The agency traces its origins to the Judiciary Act of 1789 which created the Office of the Attorney General, and the 1870 Act to Establish the Department of Justice, which established the agency as “an executive department of the government of the United States” with the Attorney General as its head.

The agency is comprised of numerous divisions with the Civil Division and in some instances, the Criminal Division, overseeing investigations and prosecutions under the False Claims Act. The U.S. Attorneys Office of the federal district where the False Claims Act case is filed also plays a key role in False Claims Act enforcement.

Below are summaries of recent DOJ settlements or successful resolutions under the False Claims Act as well as other successful prosecutions for fraud and misconduct. If you believe you have information about fraud which could give  rise to a claim for a whistleblower reward, please contact us to speak with one of our experienced whistleblower attorneys.

March 28, 2022

A Pennsylvania-based psychiatrist and his wife have agreed to pay $3 million in the largest recovery against a single psychiatrist ever in the history of the U.S. Department of Labor – Office of Worker’s Compensation Programs (OWCP).  From 2013 to 2021, Dr. Harry Doyle and his wife and sole employee, Sonya, allegedly billed OWCP for services that weren’t rendered, submitted double-billed and upcoded patient claims, and falsified patient records to reflect their false billing.  As part of the settlement, they will be excluded from participating in federal healthcare programs for 25 years.  USAO EDPA

March 25, 2022

A Department of Energy contractor that applied for and received a $1.3 million Paycheck Protection Program loan has, together with its owners, agreed to pay nearly $3 million in restitution and penalties to resolve their liability under the False Claims Act.  HPM Corporation and owners Holly and Grover Cleveland Mooers admitted that they submitted materially false statements to the Small Business Administration in order to obtain the loan and induce a forgiveness of the loan.  However, instead of using the funds on payroll, as they had represented, they transferred the entire amount to their personal account.  USAO EDWA

March 25, 2022

Two New York-based home health agencies, All American Homecare Agency and Crown of Life Care NY LLC, have agreed to pay a total of $5.4 million to settle allegations of violating federal and state False Claims Acts.  The agencies had allegedly paid their home health aides below minimum wage, despite claiming otherwise and receiving millions for said wages from Medicaid.  In addition to the monetary penalties, the agencies will also pay back wages owed to current and former aides.  NY AG; USAO EDNY

March 22, 2022

Ten doctors in Texas and a healthcare executive have agreed to pay nearly $1.7 million to resolve allegations of violating the False Claims Act, Anti-Kickback Statute, and Stark Law.  In exchange for ordering laboratory tests from Rockdale Hospital d/b/a A little River Healthcare, True Health Diagnostics LLC, and Boston Heart Diagnostics Corporation, the doctors allegedly received thousands of dollars in kickbacks disguised as investment returns.  USAO EDTX

March 21, 2022

United Parcel Service Inc. (UPS) has agreed to pay $5.3 million to resolve its potential liability under the False Claims Act.  Under a contract with USPS to deliver mail for various Department of Defense and State Department locations domestically and internationally, UPS was required to submit confirmation of delivery and delivery times to USPS.  However, the company allegedly reported false information.  DOJ

March 21, 2022

Jonathan and Daniel Markovich, two brothers who operate addiction treatment facilities in Florida, have been sentenced to over 15 years and 8 years in prison respectively after being convicted of running a $112 million fraud scheme.  Through patient recruiters, the defendants paid illegal kickbacks to patients in the form of airline tickets, cash payments, and illegal drugs to entice them to visit their inpatient detox and residential facility, Second Chance Detox LLC d/b/a Compass Detox, as well as their outpatient treatment program, WAR Network LLC.  The defendants then billed for therapy sessions that were not regularly provided to or attended by patients, and urine drug tests that were not medically necessary.  DOJ

March 17, 2022

Reveal Global Consulting, LLC has agreed to pay $820,000 to resolve allegations of improperly billing the Defense Intelligence Agency.  Per contract terms, Reveal was only supposed to bill for time and materials expended to fulfill contractual obligations; however, the firm allegedly continued to bill the standard amount even for months when fewer than promised employees were devoted to the contract.  Additionally, Reveal allegedly submitted bills with inflated and misstated work by subcontractors, and bills for work by employees who had already left the company.  USAO EDPA

March 14, 2022

Freight carriers YRC Freight Inc., Roadway Express Inc., and Yellow Transportation Inc. will pay $6.85 million to resolve government claims that they knowingly overcharged the Department of Defense on military freight shipments.  Whistleblower James Hannum, a Yellow Transportation employee, filed a qui tam action alleging that the companies had a practice of re-weighing shipments and, when the reweighs showed an increase from the original weight, defendants charged DOD for these higher weights, but when the reweighs showed a decrease from the original weight, defendants allegedly concealed the lower weight and instead charged DOD for the original, inflated weights.  Hannum will receive a whistleblower award of approximately $1.3 millionDOJ

March 10, 2022

The founders of cryptocurrency company Bitqyck, Bruce Bise and Samuel Mendez, have been sentenced to 8 years in prison for tax evasion, two years after an $8 million settlement with the SEC for charges of defrauding over 13,000 investors of $24 million.  According to the DOJ press release, Bise and Mendex each diverted over $4 million of investor funds for personal expenses, then underreported their income and failed to file corporate tax returns for Bitqyck.  USAO NDTX

March 9, 2022

Sixteen defendants from Michigan and Ohio have been sentenced to prison for their roles in a massive $250 million healthcare fraud scheme that involved subjecting opioid-addicted patients to medically unnecessary back injections in exchange for more opioids.  The injections were selected because they were reimbursed highly by government payors, but were often painful or led to adverse conditions, such as open holes in the back.  DOJ
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