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Whistleblower Insider Blog

Whistleblower Insider is written by the Constantine Cannon law firm team of experienced qui tam and whistleblower lawyers. It is updated regularly to provide the latest whistleblower and fraud news and developments.

Some Greater Clarity on the FCPA's Reach Over Foreign Nationals

Posted  04/3/13
By Gordon Schnell and Jean Kim (Published by Thomson Reuters) Despite the government's ever-expanding crusade against foreign bribery, there has been little in the way of judicial guidance as to how far the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act allows the government to go.  Most cases settle at the gate as only the most brazen (or reckless) defendants want to take on the government in its drive to root out foreign...

Interview with Randy Fox, New York’s Whistleblower Chief, on New York as an Alternative to the IRS for Tax Whistleblowers

Posted  03/25/13
By Marlene Koury Whistleblower Insider interviewed Randy M. Fox, Bureau Chief of the Taxpayer Protection Bureau at the New York Attorney General’s Office, about the recent tax fraud case against the famous New York tailor, Mohanbhai “Mohan” Ramchandani, and the good work Mr. Fox’s office is doing under the New York False Claims Act. The Mohan case is the first resolution of a tax case brought under the...

Mayor Bloomberg Loses Battle on Soda Sizing, But the War on Sugar Rages on

Posted  03/22/13
By Gordon Schnell When New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg puts his mind to something, he rarely comes up short.  But that is exactly what happened last week when State Supreme Court Justice Milton Tingling struck down the Mayor's plan to regulate the size of soda cups served in movie theatres, concert halls, restaurants and other eateries throughout the city.  For Justice Tingling, it was not even a close...

Deterring Financial Crime—Reconciling and Improving Upon the Diverging Approaches of U.S. Antitrust and Financial Regulation

Posted  03/20/13
By Gordon Schnell (published in Competition Policy International's Antitrust Chronicle) As they appeared before the U.S. Senate Banking Committee last month, financial regulators seemed more than a bit discomfited when asked about the last time they took a big bank to trial.  It was a rhetorical question more than anything.  And the media played it up as another example of what some see as the government's...

High Court to Hear Argument on Whether Injured Patients Can Hold Generic Drug Makers Accountable for Their Defective Drugs

Posted  03/13/13
By Jason Enzler Next Tuesday the Supreme Court is scheduled to hear oral argument on Mutual Pharmaceutical’s appeal of a $21 million jury award for serious injuries caused by one of its generic drugs.  Much more is at stake than the money, however, with many expecting the Justices to set out a broad rule on whether any patient can sue a generic drug maker for defects in the design of its drug. The underlying...

Tailor to the Stars Settles New York State Tax Fraud Claims for $5.5 Million

Posted  03/8/13
By Marlene Koury Mohanbhai "Mohan" Ramchandani, a sharply-dressed, self-marketed tailor to the stars, pled guilty to felony tax fraud charges involving a ten-year scheme to evade paying New York State sales and income taxes.  Mohan underreported his retail earnings and falsified his taxes to comport with his faith in numerology – the belief that numbers have a special significance or symbolism.  Rather than...

Buying Blind – New Study Shows Continued Lack of Transparency in Healthcare Pricing

Posted  02/28/13
By Gordon Schnell It has been talked about for years as a way to rein in the runaway costs of healthcare in this country -- making price matter to the consumer.  That is how it is with every other kind of purchase.  Whether it is a car, a house, a college education, a new pair of sneakers, or even a quart of milk, virtually everyone weighs heavily into their purchase decision what it is ultimately going to...

A Hot Year for Health Care Fraud Recoveries

Posted  02/25/13
By Marlene Koury The coordinated efforts of the Departments of Justice (DOJ) and Health and Human Services (HHS) have resulted in a record breaking $4.2 billion in health care fraud recoveries in fiscal year 2012.  The agencies are required to collaborate under the Health Care Fraud and Abuse Program, which is a joint DOJ/HHS effort to coordinate federal, state and local law enforcement activities to crack down on...

Justice Throwing Its Weight Behind Fraud Case Against Lance Armstrong

Posted  02/25/13
By Jason Enzler The Department of Justice announced in a press release late last Friday that it has elected to join a fraud lawsuit filed against the beleaguered former American-darling and cyclist Lance Armstrong.  The lawsuit, brought by another disgraced cyclist, former Armstrong teammate Floyd Landis, essentially alleges that Armstrong and others ripped-off the government to the tune of $30 million when they...

Blaming the Whistleblower – Court Rejects Novel Defense to False Claims Act Charges

Posted  02/21/13
By Gordon Schnell It would seem on its face to be a rather brazen approach to defending a False Claims Act lawsuit.  A healthcare company is charged with defrauding Medicare by billing it for medications the company never provided its patients.  The company not only denies the wrongdoing.  It goes one step further by arguing that, if there were any such misconduct, it was the whistleblower's fault by not...
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