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Whistleblower Insider Blog

Whistleblower Insider is written by the Constantine Cannon law firm team of experienced qui tam and whistleblower lawyers. It is updated regularly to provide the latest whistleblower and fraud news and developments.

Whistleblower News from the Inside - February 21, 2014

Posted  02/21/14
By the C|C Whistleblower Lawyer Team Senator Wyden calls for investigation into Hanford whistleblower firings – The call was prompted after two employees of Hanford Nuclear Reservation were fired for raising safety concerns about the construction of a $13B plant to treat the site's most dangerous radioactive wastes.  Seattle Post Intelligencer SEC pushes back on attempted narrowing of whistleblower protections...

“David keeps beating Goliath when truth is in the slingshot.” – Part Two of Our Interview with Tom Devine, Legal Director for the Government Accountability Project

Posted  02/20/14
Earlier this month, we brought you the first part of a two-part interview with Tom Devine, Legal Director for the Government Accountability Project.  In that post, we discussed whistleblowers and national security.  In this second part, we explore what it means to be a whistleblower in the 2010s and some pressing issues facing whistleblowers in the years ahead. Whistleblower Insider:  We've focused so far on the...

Whistleblower News from the Inside - February 18, 2014

Posted  02/18/14
By the C|C Whistleblower Lawyer Team Snowden’s lawyer detained and harassed at Heathrow airport – Well known whistleblower lawyer and Government Accountability Project director, Jesselyn Radack, was questioned in a private room about her work with numerous whistleblowers including Edward Snowden “that appeared aimed at emotional intimidation.”  RT FCA for West Virginia? -- West Virginia House Judiciary to...

Whistleblower News from the Inside - February 14, 2014

Posted  02/14/14
By the C|C Whistleblower Lawyer Team SEC shakes up its enforcement unit – For the past three years, the SEC won 75% of its trials, but a drop to winning only 55% over the past few months has prompted a restructuring of the agency's trial division.  WSJ Whistleblower protections for food workers – OSHA issued its interim final rules establishing whistleblower protections for those working in the food industry. ...

US Plunges in Press Freedom Ranking

Posted  02/13/14
By Gordon Schnell Freedom of the press is an essential attribute of any real democracy.  At least it is certainly supposed to be.  But according to a just-released report by the international press rights group, Reporters Without Borders (RWB), the US is lagging far behind the rest of the free world when it comes to honoring this democratic mainstay.  This comes from RWB’s 2014 World Press Freedom Index, the...

Whistleblower News from the Inside - February 11, 2014

Posted  02/11/14
By the C|C Whistleblower Lawyer Team RBS whistleblower makes claims of vampire bank – An employee of the bank’s global restructuring group claims the banking giant used "immoral, survivalist tactics" to destroy a number of businesses "that didn't need destroying" in an attempt to help save the bank during the credit crisis.  UK Channel 4 SelfRefind settles False Claims Act charges – The Kentucky chain of...

Whistleblower News from the Inside - February 7, 2014

Posted  02/7/14
By the C|C Whistleblower Lawyer Team U.S. Government agents seize Edward Snowden's whistle – Hilarious satirical piece on NSA’s pursuit of Snowden.  The Spoof IOC considers whistleblower program – It would for the first time provide a safe channel for Olympic whistleblowers to report instances of doping, sexual abuse and other misconduct without fear of reprisal.  Fox Whistleblower alleges fraud scheme...

The Stubborn Persistence of Whistleblower Retaliation – Not Just a Problem for Whistleblowers

Posted  02/6/14
By Gordon Schnell The good news is that the amount of misconduct occurring in the workplace is at an all-time low.  So is the pressure on employees to engage in any kind of wrongdoing.  The bad news is that the level of retaliation against workers who report the misbehavior that does occur remains alarmingly high.  This comes out of the latest National Business Ethics Survey by the Ethics Resource Center...

From the Pentagon Papers to Edward Snowden – Part One of Our Interview with Tom Devine, Legal Director for the Government Accountability Project

Posted  02/6/14
Did you know the government almost left our airplanes unprotected despite knowing of an impending attack that would have made 9-11 look like a “skirmish?”  Why did Edward Snowden choose to go to the media instead of reporting his concerns internally?  Tom Devine, the Legal Director for the Government Accountability Project, spoke with us recently on these and other whistleblower issues.  Read on for Part One of...

Whistleblower News from the Inside - February 4, 2014

Posted  02/4/14
By the C|C Whistleblower Lawyer Team Fake zombie invasion reveals real problems with cyber security – Hackers were able to take over the federal Emergency Alert System last winter to broadcast warnings of a zombie attack, highlighting a Senate report of widespread weaknesses in government agency cyber security.  Washington Post AstraZeneca’s anticlotting drug Brilinta under attack – Whistleblower files False...
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